Category: Digital Lunch

Digital Lunch: Using Google Search Operators to Research How to End Hunger (#TeachSDGs)

Digital Lunch: Using Google Search Operators to Research How to End Hunger (#TeachSDGs)

What does the word “ hunger” even mean? Many of our students, particularly in our international schools,  have very little experience with this concept. They may say that they are “starving” when they are 10 minutes late to lunch, but have no authentic connection to this idea of “Zero Hunger”, which is the subject of the second Sustainable Development Goal put forth by the United Nations. corecompetanciesAlso, they fail to appreciate the components that all have to work together to ensure that their lunch even makes it to the cafeteria. You can understand why one of the first of UNESCO‘s “key competencies” is to develop an understanding of the processes and mechanisms that create or diminish hunger using a systems thinking approach. 

Systems thinking, in a nutshell, can be described as a way of thinking about, and a language for describing and understanding, the forces and interrelationships that shape the behavior of systems. This discipline helps us to see how to change systems more effectively, and to act more in tune with the natural processes of the natural and economic world.

Peter Senge , quoted originally from The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization

You can see why UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) believes that it is critical to use this approach in order to advance sustainable development goals. When connecting the dots,  students need to research the underpinnings of the problem in order to introduce new tools and methods that could develop more sustainable pathways for those people and communities that are facing an experience of true hunger.

zero hunger objectives

Thus it seems vital that, as we explore Google Apps for Education, we explore the importance of Google search operators that eliminate frivolous information and refine research efforts so that students can cut through the nonsense and find relevant and helpful information as it relates to this SDG. 

However, perhaps before launching into a tirade of internet research, you can share an inspiring story of a person or organization that is attempting to do their part to tackle Zero Hunger. There is a great story about the former President of Trader’s Joe Grocery chain, Doug Rauch, who went into retirement but then traded in his golf clubs because he wanted to address the hunger-related problem called “food deserts” by creating a food market; the Daily Table helps those impoverished community members in the Boston area. He is a great example of someone who examined the systems around food deserts when developing this grocery store, and his story can provide a lot of “food for thought” (sorry I couldn’t resist the pun) as a provocation. 

Now going back to Google Search……

Rember that in a typical Google Search, there are thousands if not millions of results of sites that are indexed for the content you could be looking for. It’s overwhelming and most of the time, students go down a rabbit hole, returning with very little data related to their topic. However, Google has a list of “operators” which are symbols and special characters that extend one’s web search capabilities within the Google Search Bar. They have created over 40 different search operators that help filter and refine web search results, making it easier to find appropriate and relevant content. Using one or more of them improves your web results. For example, when a student puts in the word “hunger” look what comes up:

hunger webpage

Now at this point, there are 3 predictable things that students are going to do:

  • click on Hunger by Wikipedia, feeling pretty confident that they got all the information they need,
  • or they going to start watching one of those videos (wholly off the topic, but can’t resist the urge to be entertained)
  • or they will recognize that their search term wasn’t specific enough to warrant quality result and put in new search terms.

We want to develop this last behavior as a research skill. We want to them to be thinking critically, solving problems and developing resiliency, and believe it or not, simply exploring search operators will give them a huge leg up on cultivating these behaviors.  Because, as you can see, none of these web results would be particularly helpful in finding information related to our Sustainable Development Goal of “Zero Hunger”, and if you put in “Zero Hunger”, still 35,000,000 results come up. So let’s take a look at some search operators that can help students conduct research. In the charts below, you will notice the search operator in the left column, while the right-hand side explains how it works and some considerations that we need to be mindful of.



I created a video tutorial to show how the search operators make a significant difference in generating more relevant and useful research on the internet:

It is my hope that you can see the impact of these operators in action. However,  I’d like also like to share with you another amazing way to do research online which works great if you teach older students (think High School) or you are personally working a degree program: Google Scholar, it takes internet research to another level.

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.

All the results you get are from academic journals, so it is a wonderful way to sieve through the articles. Here is another video tutorial on how to use it:
Between using Google Search operators and Google Scholar, students should have no problem researching the local and global issues that are related to the systematic challenges to ending hunger. It is my hope that through deepening our understanding of this sustainable development goal (SDG), we can truly attain this ambitious target. I believe all of us in education should do our part to contribute to this worthy endeavor.

*This is the 2nd of our Digital Lunch series, in which using Google Apps for Education training was used to support teaching the Sustainable Development Goals put forth by the United Nations. In this lunch hour training sessions, participates were exposed to SDG #2: No Hunger and the operator terms used for Google Search. This blog post gives an overview of the training.

DigitalLunch: How to Bring an End to Poverty (#TeachSDGs) using Google’s Blogger App

DigitalLunch: How to Bring an End to Poverty (#TeachSDGs) using Google’s Blogger App

To imagine this goal- ending poverty in all its forms everywhere- seems like humankind would need to make a mighty effort to bring this into reality. However, I felt inspired by the research presented by Peter Diamandis in his book, Abundance, the Future is Better Than You Think. Extreme-Poverty-OurWorldIn his book, he presents really interesting data that shows that current efforts are making an impact, helping people get out of “absolute poverty” or extreme poverty which are defined as income levels that are below the minimum amount to sustain people’s basic needs. Although this is a dreadful situation, I believe as educators, we should convey a sense of optimism to our students–that WE can be the Change, while bringing them into awareness of the issue and compel them to eradicate it.

If we are to take on the challenge of teaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), then we can look to the work done by UNESCO to find learning objectives that we may embed into our current curriculum. They suggest to create a conceptual understanding of extreme and relative poverty and to critically reflect on the underlying cultural and behavioral practices that create these conditions. Furthermore, it should be our intention to connect the head to the heart, adding social-emotional learning objectives so that students begin to show sensitivity to the issues of poverty as well as empathy and solidarity with poor people and those in vulnerable situations. (Education for Sustainable Goals). I believe wholeheartedly we can do this, and I’d like to suggest using the Google App Blogger to cultivate knowledge of the local, national and global distribution of extreme poverty and extreme wealth.  In my opinion, student blogs can be a great way to chronicle their learning journey because they combine both traditional writing skills with the new literacy skill of visual messages as students create reflections and powerful posts that respond to their deepening understanding. 

Here are some of the basic reasons why I would use Blogger:

  • Free and easy to set up–all you need is a Gmail account.
  • Simple and easy to use its features.
  • Autosaves their work as a draft, and they can go back in “history” to review changes.
  • Can be used as an individual or collaborative blog
  • Great context for important problem-solving, critical thinking and cultural awareness.
  • Has the opportunity for an authentic audience experience.
  • Transforms students of “consumers” into “creators” of media.

My Personal Recommendations….

  • When you have the students sign up Blogger, make sure they DO NOT sign up for the G+ platform or it will not allow the blog to get set up if they are under 13 years old.
  • Make sure you have Admin privileges on the students’ accounts, so you can have editing privileges and can moderate comments.

Click on the video below if you are ready to learn  How to Create a Blog for Student Learning Using Blogger.  (If you are already familiar with Blogger, then you can continue to read how we could use to blogging to journey students through an inquiry into poverty…… )


Okay, so now that you have a general sense of the power of blogging in learning and how you can get started using Blogger, I’d like to provide some ideas of how you use the blog to show growth in their understanding of issues surrounding poverty, in their local and community and globally.

Suggested Provocations:

  1. Watching the film Living On One Dollar . Also, there are a ton of resources on that website and additional work done by the filmmakers. By the way, not an easy documentary to watch–will evoke strong emotions.  (I’m tearing up just thinking about it.)
  2. Field Trip to the Landfill. What does the trash tell us about the wealth in our community?  Depending on where you live in the world, you may actually bare witness to people who are living in extreme poverty.
  3. A ride on the local bus through impoverished neighborhoods. In some places, just the bus ride alone can be quite an eye-opener to the people who live in poverty. I would add the See, Think and Wonder thinking routine to this excursion.
  4. Student Challenge: What might it be like living on 1 USD a day?

Blogging about these experiences will be illuminating and can be done either in-class or for home learning. Here are some possible blog prompts:

blog prompts.png

I would also recommend that students read and respond to each other’s blogs using the comment feature. No matter the age-group, I think a review of what constitutes a helpful comment would be a smart idea. I would NEVER assume students understand the complexity of netiquette. In first grade, these were some of the “starters” we gave them to help guide appropriate responses: Helpful Comments. Perhaps those might provide a guide on how you might want students to engage with each other online.

These suggestions, as well as the blog prompts, are merely the beginning of what could be possible. If you go to the TeachSDGs website, you can find more resources and ideas. The great thing is that students could share their blog posts on social media platforms to further spread the message of the SDGs as well as be a resource to others grade levels within our school communities or across the globe.

If you have any feedback, I’d really appreciate how you felt about this information:


*This is the 1st of our Digital Lunch series, in which using Google Apps for Education training was used to support teaching the Sustainable Development Goals put forth by the United Nations. In this lunch hour training sessions, participates were exposed to SDG #1: No Poverty and the digital tool of Blogger. This blog post gives an overview of the training.

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