Category: How We Express Ourselves

#PYP: Are We More than Data? Units of Inquiry that Develop the Digital Lives of Students

#PYP: Are We More than Data? Units of Inquiry that Develop the Digital Lives of Students

Have you stopped to consider what this might mean for ourselves and students?

“Cambridge Analytica is just the tip of the iceberg, and this problem doesn’t begin and end with Facebook,” Evan Greer, the campaign director for the Internet activism group Fight for the Future, told me when I asked about last week’s media circus. “It’s not even just big tech companies; retail chains, hospitals, and government agencies are vacuuming up massive amounts of sensitive personal information about all of us. We’re seeing now how that data can be used not just to invade our privacy, but to manipulate how we think.”

Vanity Fair: Why the Privacy Crisis is Bigger Than Facebook

I’ve been thinking about how people and governments are responding to the Facebook privacy scandal, wondering how I, as a digital citizen should respond and how schools, as citizen developers, are considering what might need to shift or change in curriculum.  Of course, this seems obtuse of me to think that schools are holding staff meetings and having conversations about this. Probably most of us haven’t even changed our privacy settings on our personal accounts, either due to ignorance or indifference–what’s the point?–they got our data anyhow! That may or may not be true. But what I do know if that we have a chance to change the trajectory of our student’s digital’s lives, as educators, we should be reflecting and responding to this opportunity.

In the past, I promoted the launch of a BYOiPad initiative starting at Grade 3. I wanted to further expand this initiative to Grade 2 because of its success. When first discussing this idea, we consciously decided to do a BYOD initiative instead of investing in a 1:1 program because of the unique opportunities that this would create in shifting attitudes; students and families would come to see that technology is not a toy, instead it is a tool because these were personal devices, and so they had to consider their responsible use of it. Needless to say, this created real and purposeful contexts for developing digital citizenship.

In the beginning, however, we went for tech and digital citizenship lessons that weren’t embedded into our units of inquiry. These were one-off lessons and usually in response to concerns we had in the learning. But into our second year, there were so many challenges and misconceptions that cropped up, we decided that we would have to write a digital citizenship unit into our Programme Of Inquiry (POI)  in the year group that launched the BYOD (3rd grade) so that they could create a deeper understanding of the tool (iPad) that they were using. This was the Where We Are In Place and Time unit.

The use of mobile devices has changed the way we work and play.

  • How digital technology works (function)
  • Changes in society and culture (change)
  • Our responsibility as digital citizens (responsibility)

And what ensued? Self-initiated and authentic student action.  Why? Because it ticked all the boxes for a well-written unit of inquiry:

Engaging:  Of interest to the students, and involving them actively in their own learning.

Relevant:  Linked to the students’ prior knowledge and experience, and current circumstances, and therefore placing learning in a context connected to the lives of the students.

Challenging: Extending the prior knowledge and experience of the students to increase their competencies and understanding.

Significant: Contributing to an understanding of the transdisciplinary nature of the theme, and therefore to an understanding of commonality of human experiences.

Making the PYP Happen

In that unit, students not only developed knowledge of how the internet works and what a “digital footprint” is but more importantly a critical understanding of questions that mattered to them like “What is cyberbullying” and “Do I have technology addiction?”  So this is where the conversation began within our curriculum but now I have to wonder where it has gone next. hmm…..

Naturally, this experience has shaped me and my attitudes toward technology. And I feel strongly that schools shouldn’t squander the chance to include it into their curriculum.

So as I think about the learning opportunities that can arise in our upcoming How We Express Ourselves unit, I get excited about how we can incorporate more robust digital experiences as a meaningful context for students. Here’s the unit:

The language we use can communicate messages and develop relationships.

  • Different forms of media (form)
  • The way we choose to communicate will affect relationships. (reflection)
  • How we can interpret and respond  (causation)

scopesequencedigital citizenI’ve been examining standards and curriculum sources like Common Sense Media that address the concepts and skills that need to either be embedded or explicitly taught.  Obviously, those lines of inquiry are perfect for developing our digital behavior and we have access to a wonderful resource called NearPod to help support the learning. Also, using our SeeSaw classroom account creates a safe haven to test out concepts around social media and Flip-Grid provides another layer of online interaction for our 1st graders. I think these sorts of platforms give us a “digital playground” for our students to experience the ups and downs of life online.  They also get to develop their awareness and maturity around its use, while applying the critical thinking skills and skepticism of information that we get online.

As we begin to launch this unit, I am wondering about what other educators’ experience has been–I’d love to learn from the observations and struggles that you have encountered.  Please share! Because our humanity far exceeds the borders of our data, and we need to be thinking about how we can educate, not only ourselves but most importantly the Mark Zuckerbergs of tomorrow.




#PYP: Trying to Avoid Controversy? An inquiry into How We Express Ourselves.

#PYP: Trying to Avoid Controversy? An inquiry into How We Express Ourselves.

I really want this nagging to go away. It’s been going on for months, maybe ever since the American Presidential campaign, maybe for even longer. But as time passes, it has become more apparent that I have the opportunity to change the future as an educator. Yet I wonder if I  have the courage to challenge the status quo or do I just keep up the pretense that classism and sexism and racism doesn’t exist?–not in my classroom!…. Anyhow,  we address those more prickly issues in PYP Exhibition, right? C’mon, it’s not an age-appropriate topic for younger grades, yeah? No, no, no, we should just do a wonderfully creative and fun How We Express Themselves unit to round off the year.

The educator has the duty of not being neutral.
Paulo FreireWe Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change

However, there has been a recurrent theme that just keeps popping up and I think avoiding difficult discussions is no longer an option.  Anytime teachers think differently about (4)This year a snowball has been building, from the “Me Too” movement to reading The Power by Naomi Alderman, to conversations about the UN’s Global Goals to a blog post on Making Good Humans which kicked me in the pants about the importance of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.  But just yesterday-as I sit in a parent-teacher conference, I spoke with one of the mother’s about her son’s difficulty with working with girls and his frequent use of sexist comments. The mother just sort of nervously laughed it off and said, “Well, his father is from south-east Asia so what do you expect?”


What do we expect?  That’s a fair question.

Here’s my answer:

When we fail to educate our children about these issues, then yes, we can expect more of the same. And if we don’t examine these beliefs and perceptions in the early primary when they are being hard-wired into our brains, then when will it ever be a good time?

Their ideal is to be men but for them to be men is to be oppressors. This is their model of humanity. –Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Last week, when our team sat down to discuss and challenge the central idea: Our experience and imagination can help us to create, our conversation on collaboration shifted to examining the larger context of this transdisciplinary theme:

An inquiry into…the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Now we are looking at changing the central idea to

The language we use can communicate messages and develop relationships.

Some ideas that sprang forward as we tweaked the central idea was to develop learning intentions and provocations which involved examining the following:

  • audience as a context for storytelling
  • writing: revision and word choice, spelling and conventions
  • computer programming language: 2D and 3D shapes drawing.
  • digital citizenship (via SeeSaw): how to provide feedback online
  • blogging: reflection on learning through SeeSaw
  • reading: visualization strategies
  • dramatic arts: acting out scenes in our stories.
  • Social Emotional Learning:: collaboration and conflict resolution–tie back into Who We Are unit

As I stare at this benign-sounding central idea, I am reminded of another quote from Paulo Freire: “language is never neutral”.  I suspect this might be true and maybe it’s worth exploring.

Honest to goodness, I’ve never considered engaging in controversy in the classroom. In all my years of teaching, I have played it safe. I may say provocative statements every now and again amongst my peers, but I have never thrown a genuine conflict into the front and center of the learning. And now I am seriously considering it–I’m sure to my team’s chagrin–to bring it into the curriculum. But this isn’t about the sexist commentary that I witness in an influential boy in our class, it’s also about “white-privilege”, classism and economic disparity that I have observed in silence as an international educator. Furthermore, I know that these topics may also touch a nerve in me–how do my own actions and words contribute to the –isms? I am just as much a student as I am a teacher in this sort of inquiry, recognizing that I am blind to so many things just because of the privilege that I have experienced in my life. There is something personal at stake when I start poking around these cultural “sleeping dogs”.

“The radical, committed to human liberation, does not become the prisoner of a ‘circle of certainty’ within which reality is also imprisoned. On the contrary, the more radical the person is, the more fully he or she enters into reality so that, knowing it better, he or she can better transform it. This individual is not afraid to confront, to listen, to see the world unveiled. This person is not afraid to meet the people or to enter into dialogue with them. This person does not consider himself or herself the proprietor of history or of all people, or the liberator of the oppressed; but he or she does commit himself or herself, within history, to fight at their side.”
― Paulo FreirePedagogy of the Oppressed


As I find the words to finish off this blog post, I have a strong compelling feeling mixed with fear; in my heart, I am searching for the hope that we can execute this idea well, that my intention to address this need in our humanity will be well-received and that our provocations spark more kindness and compassion in our learning community.  And, maybe I too will be transformed in the process, learning more about myself and how I can contribute to the dignity and joy of those who I share this planet with.

Any and all ideas welcomed by educators who have been braved enough to confront these issues are highly valued and welcomed.  Please post in the comments below.

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