Tag: constructing meaning

#Inquiry in the #PYP: From Paper to Practice: 5 Approaches for Provocations (that “Stick”)

#Inquiry in the #PYP: From Paper to Practice: 5 Approaches for Provocations (that “Stick”)

Even though we all use ‘the framework’, we have all sorts of curriculums in our schools.  Some schools use the PYP Scope and Sequences, others use their national curriculums and yet others look at curriculum like a buffet- take a bit of AERO Standards, some of this from the Common Core and a portion of  NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). (Nevermind that most schools don’t even acknowledge any Technology Standards) Whatever approach you take to the “Written Curriculum”, you have to bridge what you put on paper with what is the “Taught Curriculum” is going to look like and how on Earth are you going to let student agency influence it.

This sort of tension is what I am really thinking about and concerned with–how are we going to shift our thinking about the “Written Curriculum” being the driver into it being the “map” that we can use to go on divergent paths created by student’s interests. And I think solid provocations are the “starting line” from which are learning journey begins. Although I have written about provocations before, I wanted to come at from a different angle from the ideas presented from the book, Made to Stick. (I am a huge fan of the writing of Dan and Chip Heath). Because at the heart of a provocation, we want it to leave an indelible mark and make a real impact on students’ thinking in order to create action and authentic agency.  They would call this type of learning “sticky”. (Don’t you love that?)

But the challenge of creating a provocation is that you know too much. The Heath brothers term this, the Curse of Knowledge. Here’s what they mean:

It’s a hard problem to avoid—every year, you walk into class with another year’s worth of mental refinement under your belt. You’ve taught the same concepts every year, and every year your understanding gets sharper, your sophistication gets deeper. If you’re a biology teacher, you simply can’t imagine anymore what it’s like to hear the word “mitosis” for the first time, or to lack the knowledge that the body is composed of cells. You can’t unlearn what you already know. There are, in fact, only two ways to beat the Curse of Knowledge reliably. The first is not to learn anything. The second is to take your ideas and transform them.

Stickiness is a second language. When you open your mouth and communicate, without thinking about what’s coming out of your mouth, you’re speaking your native language: Expertese. But students don’t speak Expertese. They do speak Sticky, though. Everyone speaks Sticky. In some sense, it’s the universal language. The grammar of stickiness—simplicity, storytelling, learning through the senses—enables anyone to understand the ideas being communicated.

(From Teaching, Made to Stick, by Dan and Chip Heath)

I can really relate to this, especially when I taught older students because I thought they already “knew stuff”. With that in mind, provocations can really reveal what students are thinking and feeling.  So now that you have the context of why provocations can be so powerful and transformative for student learning, I’d like to share with you 5 approaches for provocations (that “stick”):

1.Unexpected: Create curiosity and pique interest with unexpected ideas and experiences that open a knowledge gap and call to mind something that needs to be discovered but doesn’t necessarily tell you how to get there.

Example-Central Idea: The use of resources affects society and other living things.

Take out all the classroom resources that are made from petroleum products after school one day. The next day,  have the students come in and be shocked?-where did all those resources go? Then have them consider what these resources have in common. And then have them consider the impact on society if these non-renewable resources went away.

2. Concrete: Ground an idea in a sensory reality to make the unknown obvious.

Central Idea: Economic activity relies on systems of production, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.

Create a classroom economy by “printing” money and having students create businesses. Turn all of your classroom resources into “commodities” or by providing services (like sharpening pencils) to illustrate the conceptual understandings. This provocation goes on for weeks, by the way, so that they can experience the related concepts of scarcity and marketing.

3. Credible: Demonstrate ideas and show relationships to “prove” a point.

Central Idea: Informed global citizens enhance their communities.

CRAAPgraphicGo through news articles either on a social media news feed or through an internet search on a topic that is relevant and interesting to your students or controversial (ex: climate change). Have the students examine at least 3 websites or sources of information and put them through the filter of the CRAAP test.

4. Emotional: Powerful images, moving music, role-play–anything that incites either strongly positive or negative feelings.

Central Idea: Homes reflect local conditions and family’s culture and values.

Using images from photos of children’s bedrooms from around the world have the children try to match the picture of a child with a picture of a bedroom. Why do they think those images go together? What evidence in the photo might suggest the values and culture of that child’s family?

5. Story: Use a story, whether from a book, a video or from your own life, to illustrate a challenge or provide a context worth exploring.

Central Idea: Our actions can make a difference to the environment we share.

Share the story of One Plastic Bag and have students reflect on the impact her small action had made in her community. What would you do with a plastic bag? (During our  1st-grade classes’ personal inquiry time, students were invited to take some plastic bags and play around with those materials. It is interesting to see who and how they took action.)

So there you go. These are just 5 approaches to 5 central ideas. Crafting provocations are probably one of the best things I love about the PYP and when we share insight into how we can approach these central ideas, I think it elevates everyone’s schools because of the insights gained.  I’d love if others could share and post ideas for provocations to further illustrate the importance that they play in deepening our students learning and inspiring authentic connections and action.

#ChangeInEducation: Setting a Match to the Report Card? A Couple of Questions on #Assessment in the #PYP

#ChangeInEducation: Setting a Match to the Report Card? A Couple of Questions on #Assessment in the #PYP

I hate report cards. Hate is a strong word, but I think they are an outdated form of educational technology and we need to set a match to it. 31479586_199389720679114_1677575111550435328_nI can’t believe they haven’t gone by the waste side yet, like horse-drawn carriages or 8-tracks. It doesn’t serve where we are in education and what we know about learning and teaching. And, as a parent, the letter A (approaching), M( meets) and E (exceeds) next to a subject area with a couple of sentences that explains the justification of those letters really doesn’t help me figure out how I can support my child. And, as a writer of those comments, knowing that parents are intended audience for these report cards, you end up summarizing the skills gained vs. the conceptual understandings–because at the end of the day, parents just want to know if their kids can read and do math up to the “standard” of their peers. So really, the report cards provide late feedback that schools may feel “report” the learning but ultimately doesn’t serve any of the stakeholders involved, students included.

Let me elaborate a bit more. I am risking embarrassment here for the sake of all of us to reflect and consider how messy and difficult it is to create “reports”.

Here is an example from our school of how we are to create continuums of learning of our conceptual understandings.

vis template continuum

This is a template, an exemplar, if you wish, so how does THIS match our report cards? Well, I have to comment on the subject areas and the learning outcomes of the unit and this model really haven’t helped me decide how to grade them in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, let alone Transdisciplinary Maths, Social Studies or Science. So in our current How We Express Ourselves, we changed the headings a bit and tried to offer more specifics into assessing their conceptual understandings.  I still feel like this is an epic fail.

express oursleves

So now that I shared with you the pseudo-continuum for students,  would you like to see what a typical report card is on this unit?

Here are the outcomes that I have to grade:

Parents don’t actually see the learning outcomes that we are grading against. They just see those letters next to the strands.

Now here is a comment, written for the parent’s interest, as it related to the Strands that they will see. (Math comments were made in the Math Stand Alone section of the report)


Student X is a wonderful communicator so this has been great unit for him to expand and improve his skills. In particular, he has learned how he can interact and provide constructive feedback on other’s work, as well as reflecting on the comments other’s have made on his.

Learning Target

Although Student X has grown a lot with recognizing and writing words, he has a challenge with staying focused on longer texts. This impacts his ability to read fluently at higher levels.  As a writer, he is developing his ability to expand upon and give details in his writing so that a reader can “see” the setting and conflict within a story.

Now I warned you that this is an epic fail!–Can you see my point??? What would you do if you were in my situation, short of writing pages of commentary?

My school encourages us to come up with conceptual continuums but then want us to write concise and helpful comments that provide suggestions for next steps that parents could use for supporting learning at home. Total mismatch. And this isn’t a bad reflection on my school–this discrepancy is in nearly EVERY school! I believe this isn’t a one-off derelict example–this is a normal challenge that I reckon PYP schools have. We use a concept-based curriculum and yet we have these report cards focused on skills and knowledge. What are we to do?

I’d really like to challenge our schools to think a bit more deeply about how this communication tool, the report card, could look as we think about how our PYP schools share this philosophy around life-long learning.

What would it mean if we were to think about this through the lens of constructing meaning over time?

Do we need to have “reporting” due dates? What if our communication with parents was more detailed and frequent? Would this thing called the “report card” even be relevant?

And another question that pops into my head, as I think more about this is:

How might we co-construct meaning when we include The Learning Community?

So instead of report cards talking about the student, what if they included student voice, choice, and ownership? And what if families could chime in with evidence of learning? Again, would report cards even be relevant?

I just keep thinking about how assessment is going to look with our transition in thinking of data to inform learning and teaching with a collection of evidence vs summative tasks that help us mark those boxes in our report cards. Jan Mills refers to this as creating a “tapestry” of the children’s learning.

I have strong feelings about this–if you couldn’t tell. And I’d like to set a challenge for myself to really push my thinking about what could and SHOULD replace the report card. Yes, digital portfolios like SeeSaw help to bridge our next steps, but this institutional tool needs to evolve. Badly! I really want to do some deep thinking around this. Anyone else with me on this quest?


#InquiryMaths: Mathematical Thinking meets #Social Leadership using #Seesaw

#InquiryMaths: Mathematical Thinking meets #Social Leadership using #Seesaw

Social media is viewed as “entertainment” by many. However, many people use social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter to find their news -2/3rd to be exact. As I ponder this, I have to recognize what a powerful influence this is over our culture.  Social media as entertainment may be what IS, however, it doesn’t have to be what WILL BE for our children’s future. I believe we can change that. I think we can educate students to view it as an avenue to have true intellectual discourse and human connection. In Social LEADia, Jennifer Casa-Todd suggests that digital citizenship should evolve into using the internet and social media to improve the lives, well-being, and circumstances of others and I don’t think we have to wait until students are old enough to have social media accounts to begin to develop this mindset. So we have begun to test out this idea during our current unit of inquiry:

Language communicates messages and builds relationships

  • Different forms of media (form)
  • The way we choose to communicate will affect relationships. (reflection)
  • How we can interpret and respond (causation)

During this unit, we have been using Seesaw as our social media ‘training wheels’ to explore what it means to consume content and respond to it by examining how we share our mathematical ideas through posts.  Our team had realized that students were posting different ideas of problem-solving and we wanted them to examine alternatives to their thinking. We could show the students these clips as a whole class and do number talks around them but we felt that allowing students the choice to select the ideas would help them gain independence.

So we started by explaining how you could find these great mathematical ideas in their journals.

Since we wanted the students to construct meaning, we didn’t tell them what they should post as comments, we just explained how you could show your response to listening to them. aidan'sThose first comments became the fodder for discussion–Were “hearts” and emojis really helpful for growing ourselves as learners? And they also talked about how we presented our learning online. One student expressed a chronic sentiment: “Sometimes I can’t hear them speaking. I think people should listen to themselves before they post. ” As a teacher, I loved this observation which really has improved their presentation skills overall. As a result, students have naturally begun to articulate how they really wanted to engage better online.

Through the Activities feature, students can peruse and select math ideas that they would like to view instead of just going to their friends’ journals. img_7460This has also helped to spread mathematical thinking around. I can see students nudge one another and say “Hey did you so-and-so’s idea? Go check it out!’

Aside from developing “friendly feedback and helpful comments“, we have been inquiring into how we can interpret and respond to these comments. My partner created a few “starters” for them to get them thinking about the need to be polite whether you agree or disagree with the person:

  • Thanks. I hadn’t thought of that.
  • Wow, that made me think that I can now…
  • Thanks but I disagree because….

Although we scatter these sentence starters around, it has been lovely to see them create their own messages, showing us that they have transferred the meaning and personalized it. img_7416Now we are at the stage in which we are encouraging and educating parents about how to make helpful comments and responses. It’s a bit hard to get them to “unlearn” some of the social media habits that we have as adults, so we get parent comments like “Love you boo-boo. Great work!” I hope that the students challenge their parents and ask them what they connected to in their post.

Since this is my first attempt at teaching younger students these skills, I am excited at how we can improve their communication skills through the use social media next time. However, I feel immensely proud of how serious they have taken their learning and their need to connect with their peer’s ideas. I feel confident that if we approach social media from this perspective, we can indeed shape and transform what social media can be like in the future.

I’m wondering how others have used Seesaw to develop these skills and what strategies they found successful. Please share in the comments below so we can all learn from each other. (:


#PYP: Sticky Learning: Moving from a Topic to a Conceptually based Central Idea

#PYP: Sticky Learning: Moving from a Topic to a Conceptually based Central Idea

As an early years teacher, it’s not hard to notice that so many national curriculums are “pushing down” learning skills and content knowledge. So a common traditional approach in preschools and kindergartens has been teaching the literacy and numeracy skills through topics. You teach an “Animals” unit, a “Farm” unit or a “Weather” themed unit.  So when I was recently asked if I could help write a Central Idea for a unit on “sound” for nursery age students, it harkened back to those days for me. Since I know how difficult it can be to break those habits of thinking about teaching those skills through a topic, I thought there might be others out there who’d like to figure out how to take a topic and have it evolve into a conceptually-based unit and I decided to disentangle this approach in a blog post.
First of all, what is all the hubbub between a topic and a concept anyhow? Let’s just get that squared away before we go further. made-to-stick_quoteA classic definition of a concept is an enduring understanding that is broad enough that you can transfer it across disciplines and time. But I’d like to add that a concept is something that makes you think, makes you wonder, gets those neurons firing. A topic fades from your mind, just like a rainbow after a shower–it seemed lovely at the moment, but quickly disappears from your memory. You see that quote from Chip and Dan Heath–our goal whenever we write a Central Idea is nearly the same–an idea so profound that an individual could spend a lifetime learning about it. This is why the PYP makes such a fuss about developing conceptual knowledge and skills. Learning facts and skills without a context is a waste of time and often evaporates unless we make units that are “sticky”.  Concepts are like a bad rash that won’t go away. Concepts get under our skin and stick with us and reappear in new contexts that broaden our perspectives.
I’d just like to say that writing a central idea is easier than you think, but first, it’s important to ask Why is this worth knowing and How does it connect to other learning? –This is especially true for younger students since they have limited life experience to draw upon. No matter what ideas you bring forward in the learning, this is where we start. In a previous post, #PYP: 3 Things to Consider when Evaluating a Programme of Inquiry, I reiterate the driving force behind the Written Curriculum, in which Central Ideas are developed to be engaging, relevant, challenging and significant.  Here is how the IB defines them:
Engaging: Of interest to the students, and involving them actively in their own learning.
Relevant: Linked to the students’ prior knowledge and experience, and current circumstances, and therefore placing learning in a context connected to the lives of the students.
Challenging: Extending the prior knowledge and experience of the students to increase their competencies and understanding.
Significant: Contributing to an understanding of the transdisciplinary nature of the theme, and therefore to an understanding of commonality of human experiences.
So when writing a UOI, I start with related concepts. “Sound” is typically considered a topic all by itself and it would really narrow the learning experiences of students. However, if you add the related concepts, then it makes the unit more conceptually based. Taryn Bond Clegg shared a helpful list of these related concepts.
So, let’s have a think about concepts that sound is connected to…..
The concept of Pattern can examine sound relationships such as rhyme, rhythm, tone, and pitch. It’s also a great math link.
The concept of Properties can make a connection to materials and how it impacts the quality of sounds. This also makes a great math link for attributes and data.
The concept of Imagination is another one that could make for an engaging unit, as the students in this year group can interpret sounds and make images related to sounds they hear  (Interpretation is another concept that might be relatable.)
So, looking at those related concepts, now it’s a matter of determining what’s relevant and worth knowing for your students. I’d choose one of those concepts and write a simple central idea–especially if they are 3-5 year-olds. Anything longer and more sophisticated is just “blah-blah language” (a term described by a 4-year-old to me once. Bless his heart.) The younger ones are constructing meaning, so let’s honor that’s where they are at developmentally.
Examples of UOIs that reframe this topic into a conceptually based learning unit might be:
Discovering patterns help us make sense of our world.
The properties of a material determine how it is used.
The interpretation of sounds can spark our imagination.
The intention is for students to construct the meaning of these concepts and we can embed the topic of “sound” in our lines of inquiry.
For example: Discovering patterns help us make sense of our world.
  • what is a pattern (form)–thinking about beat and rhythm
  • how we use sound to make patterns (function)
  • patterns in language (connection)–rhymes and poems
  • different ways we can change a pattern (change)–tone and pitch
  • patterns in our world (reflection)–sounds can be a learning lens for this
 (I bet if I had a music or performing arts teacher sitting next to me, they’d be nudging me with more examples.)
For older students, we can expand this Central Idea:
Discovering patterns help us make sense of our world and spark our creativity.
*the and in that Central Idea invites students to move from exploration to creation of the concept of patterns because we would expect older students to be applying knowledge since they’ve probably already constructed a basic understanding of this concept.
However, I wouldn’t say that Central Ideas have to be lengthier or all about applying knowledge in upper-grade levels. They will likely come across concepts are entirely new, and there would be a danger of “overpacking” a Central Idea. More complex concepts might be biodiversity, government, and networks. We’d want central ideas to go deep, not wide, and yet provide for a multitude of student inquiries. Consider the challenges in teaching the following Central Idea:
The well-being of an ecosystem can be determined by its biodiversity.
If this is the first time that students are exposed to the concept of an ecosystem, then this will make for a challenging unit because the teacher will have to ensure that the students have that understanding of food webs before they can build upon it to get the concept of biodiversity. Make sure it has been explored in previous units or rewrite the Central Idea so that it’s simplified:
The growth of living things determines the well-being of an ecosystem.
The “blah-blah language” has been diluted and now the focus is developing a strong foundation. Hey, I heard you in the back of the room-Can you write biodiversity into a line of inquiry? No, I would caution it simply because you are adding another level of complexity and decreasing the chances that students feel confident to drive their learning.
I’m not sure if this helps in clarifying how to write concept-based Central Ideas but at least these ideas should get you started in writing units and hopefully empowers your approach to writing a central idea and a unit of inquiry. Remember: If a central idea “sticks” in your mind, then it’s probably worth spending time inquiring into.
Life is Play

Life is Play

It really wasn’t until I had my own child that I deeply understood the quote from Fred Rogers, “Play is often talked about as if it was a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”

 As I have watched not only my own child grow, but also the immense amount of growth that goes on with my students, it becomes more obvious to me the need to honor that Life is Play for the young.

Students construct such deep meaning of their world by finding ways to relate to it through enriching their understanding of:

  • Relationships: through shared experience and connection with others.
  • Environment: awareness of beauty and the ability to create their own private world of imagination and thinking.
  • Systems: understanding how the world works in their lives and in the lives of others.
  • Decision making: determining what is important to them and for others; making choices that develop their self-esteem.

As I step back into the Early Years this year, I wonder how as a teacher I may guide play better through provocations, asking questions and expanding their thinking. Not only do I wish for them to practice foundational numeracy and literacy skills, but I want to engage and challenge them so that they can create and build deeper conceptual understandings and open up their view of the world.


I look forward to the year ahead, and the wonderful complexity of how young children develop their ideas through imagination and creative action. This is the joy of my “work”-to be the observer and provocateur of children involved in play, as play is now my life’s work as well.



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