Tag: end of year

Lean in, It’s not too late.

Lean in, It’s not too late.

I don’t want to look at my phone. The chatter of mating frogs is not muted by the buzzing air con. I know it’s too early but my mind is awake even if my body is motionless. I have students on my mind.

may-2018-blog-series-image1You see I made the mistake of reading Two Writing Teachers’ Blog and, as our team worked on our final unit plan and learning overview, it was painfully obvious that time wasn’t on our side. What happened to April? How did May get here? How can we consolidate the great learning, yet still make an impact on the students who need more support?  Oh,  how many more weeks to make a difference?

It’s easy to “slide” out, but I want to lean it, pull up my sleeves and dig into these final moments with the students.  I want to end this year empty–both for me and the kids, knowing that we did our best and gave our all. I’m inspired and renewed that there are educators who are just as insanely committed to making this school year end on a positive note. Perhaps you are too.


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