Tag: Primary Years Programme

A “Think Aloud” about Supporting Interventions in a PYP School’s Programme of Inquiry

A “Think Aloud” about Supporting Interventions in a PYP School’s Programme of Inquiry

Have you ever looked up synonyms for the word INTERVENTION?

There are 711 similar words….from “meddling” to “treatment” from “interference” to “support”. And the broad range of related word meanings also brings up a multitude of potentials for designing a reading intervention program at your school.

Developing this program is in response to teaching our learners after a full school year online. We want to be ready to get them growing as soon as we can get them onto campus. We want to ensure that they accelerate when they return. We are currently bringing in Reader’s Workshop (aka developing a LOVE of Reading) along with Leveled Learning Intervention (aka the SCIENCE of Reading).

But intervention models typically require those kiddos who need more support to get pulled out of class (Tier 2 and 3). You wouldn’t pull them out of literacy, nor would you pull them out of math, so what would they miss? Their Unit of Inquiry (UOI) time? Hmm…I’m not a fan of that. Because if you add something to your program, something else has to be eliminated, right?

That’s what I am grappling with right now……and I think back to those words “meddling” and “interference”–is this what is going to happen to transdisciplinary learning?

So I’ve been considering how we might use our UOIs in service of students getting the support so they need to feel confident and capable. And since many kids’ growth has taken a hit from learning in a pandemic, I am thinking about a whole school UOI that could be used for our intervention time, but not just to address their deficiencies, but to explore their assets too! What could a UOI like that look like?







That’s what I want for our learners.

What Transdisciplinary Theme?

So I’m starting to think about how we would design a unit like that? My first thought is that this would be developed as a Who We Are and it would need to target many facets of the theme descriptor:

Identity, Relationships, Beliefs, Responsibility, Community–are some concepts that might show up in a UOI

Okay…..so let’s start with some potential Central ideas:

Knowing about who we are as learners can help us to set goals, develop independence and build a strong culture of support. 

Healthy communities develop a strong culture of cooperation, goal-setting, and compassion in order to achieve their objectives.

People’s curiosity and desire to learn can create opportunities for personal growth and build relationships in a community.

Challenges provide individuals and communities opportunities to reflect, problem-solve and develop resilience. 

Discovering who we are can help us to define who we want to become, as individuals and as a community. 

Alright, that’s enough brainstorming for now. There are many possible trajectories in the Who We Are theme.

As I consider the viability of this, we want something that provides breadth so that we focus on the LEARNER, not just on the subject matter. And, although this UOI could be used as a placeholder on our schedules for reading intervention time, we could also use it for math intervention or opportunities to EXTEND their learning. We must be careful to balance deficiencies with assets, spotlighting what makes them unique and helping them to develop self-awareness of who they are. I really need to sit down with teachers to hear their ideas and come into alignment so we can really put something solid on paper. Then grade-level teams can add their polish and shine to any of these potential central ideas and create their own lines of inquiry.

How long?

Once we nail down the Central idea, the next step is to determine the length of the unit. And how might we schedule this? We wouldn’t do it as a typical 6-week UOI!  This will need to be a year-long UOI because we would need a substantial amount of time to work with students.

Lets’s say you take a week to launch it and then provide 1 day a week for intervention (31 weeks on our school calendar) roughly would make this a 5 1/2-6 week UOI. Hmm…that could work, And then different grade levels can use different days of the week to make it easier for our reading interventionist to do “pull out”.  Although once we analyze our student data, we might need more time in certain grade levels, so, although this might be a whole school UOI, the approach might look different. We might need a steady blast of 4 weeks long in Grade 2, for example, and then pull it back to one day a week. So knowing our learners and being flexible will be the key. Even if we do this as a whole school, we don’t have to have the same timelines for each grade level. Could be messy but we have to think about what students need.


The final thing that I wonder about is if we did this as a whole school UOI and scheduled it accordingly, then could we do a multi-grade collaboration, in which teachers could have students move more fluidly between classrooms in order to engage in different kinds of learning? Oh, that could be cool if teachers were open to sharing students. hmm…lots of possibilities, although this would need to be post-pandemic when folks can venture out of their “pods”.

Definitely some food for thought.

I’m excited about providing more support to learners as they develop into strong readers and writers, but I want to make sure we don’t subtract from other areas of the curriculum. I want to honor that we are a PYP school first and foremost, and we embed additional support strutures because we believe in learners’ capacity to grow into flourishing human beings.

As I shared in the post, Should Fear be the Basis of Decision-making in Schools? , I want to do things not because we worry about learning gaps, but we have hope for the future and wish to create a new way forward in education. Although the whole concept of “intervention” is based on looking at what the student is missing, I wish to shift this approach in order to find some new truths in evaluating data.

This is the first draft of my thinking, but as we work together in our learning community, I see a lot of possibilities to cultivate a different ethos around this topic.

Any ideas or suggestions? I’m all ears! Please share.

#InquiryMaths: Planning for Play as a Stance for Math in the #PYP ?

#InquiryMaths: Planning for Play as a Stance for Math in the #PYP ?

I’ve been binge learning through the online conference on The Pedagogy of Play. It’s been really inspiring for me. Last year, I felt like I was moving away from play-based learning and into more formally academic structures when I began teaching first grade. This has been a challenge for me because I miss the discoveries (theirs and mine!) and creativity that are natural by-products of a play-based approach. So as I embark on this school year, I have two questions that I am holding in my mind: How do I make math more fun and authentic? and How do I provide rich open-ended tasks that allow for multiple approaches with low threshold, high ceiling tasks?

These questions come from this quote from Jo Boaler, a math educator hero of mine.

Numerous research studies (Silver, 1994) have shown that when students are given opportunities to pose mathematics problems, to consider a situation and think of a mathematics question to ask of it—which is the essence of real mathematics—they become more deeply engaged and perform at higher levels.
― Jo BoalerMathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching

loris malaguzziAs I reflect on that research, I believe the answer to my questions is to play. Not just because it develops curiosity and self-expression, but it cultivates self-motivation and an appreciation for the pleasant surprises that our mistakes bring us in our learning process. Moreover, from Boaler’s academic point of view, “they become more deeply engaged and perform at higher levels”. Um…so why on Earth wouldn’t we connect play and math?

What is play?  Play is the ultimate What If question in my mind because it allows us to explore with possibilities. Most Primary Years Programme (PYP) Early Years educators feel that the word “play” is synonymous with the word “inquiry”. As teachers, we can be intentional about marrying the joy of learning through play with our learning outcomes. I don’t think we have to suck the fun out of everything to make it “learning”; in fact, I think it has to be injected back into the process, especially when I consider that real * (think Albert Einstein and Euclid and Leonardo Pisano aka Fibonacci) mathematicians are exceptionally creative and playful with their ideas. (*Actually, I think ALL of us are REAL mathematicians, but not all of us embrace and delight in this aspect of ourselves).

So then if I approach inquiry maths through the lens of play, I need to consider ….

What tools can we use for play?

  • Loose parts?
  • Technology?
  • Each other?
  • Math resources (traditional, like geometric shapes, Unifix cubes, hundreds chart etc.?)
  • Math resources (non-traditional materials that allow students to create. ie: a bridge)

What mathematical ideas can be developed and deepened through play?

I actually believe that most of the time, when we are authentically engaging in math decisions, we are not doing “number” and then “measurement” and then “data handling”–it’s not that discrete in real life and often time these strands are happening simultaneously and overlapping. Play expresses this transdisciplinary nature.

What language can I use to invite “playfulness” with math?

I think our teacher talk is actually a critical component of shaping our mathematical identities. Also, the enthusiasm I communicate, either through my speech or through non-verbal cues is something that I want to be mindful of. My favorite book that addresses this is still Mathematical Mindsets  but I also love the simplicity of Peter Johnson’s ideas on language and I recently read In Other Words: Phrases for Growth Mindset: A Teacher’s Guide to Empowering Students through Effective Praise and Feedback which had a lot of gems in there that can be applied to developing our language around math learning.  I’ve been ruminating over how I can embed more sophisticated math language in our classroom vernacular, especially with our English Language Learners (ELLs). I really want students to talk like mathematicians, explaining their algorithms and debating approaches to problem-solving in a way that is light and spirited as if we are having a cool conversation. I know that deepening my ability to express the “fun of math” is going to be an area of growth for me because I have been brainwashed into thinking (like many of us were) that math is serious and hard. I STILL have to unlearn this when working with older children.

How can I document their learning decisions so I can create more opportunities to engage, process and reinforce key concepts while also expanding their cognitive boundaries? Right now I am reading A Guide to Documenting Learning: Making Thinking Visible, Meaningful, Shareable, and Amplified by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano and Janet A. Hale in the hopes of deepening my knowledge and finding answers to this complex question. I also find that this Math Mindsets Teaching Guide from YouCubed will be incredibly helpful in my professional learning journey.

So as I think about our first unit of inquiry in our stand-alone Programme of Inquiry (POI), I find this a wonderful opportunity to develop play as a stance to inquiry maths. Here’s the unit:

Central Idea: Exploring patterns and solving problems empowers us to think mathematically

An inquiry into how mathematicians . . .

1.Construct meaning based on their previous experiences and understandings
Make meaning from what they understand

2. Transfer meaning to connect and deepen their knowledge and understanding
Make connections to deepen their knowledge and understanding

3. Apply their understanding of mathematical concepts as well as mathematical skills and knowledge to real life situations
Use what they understand to solve problems

CONCEPTS – Connection Reflection
ATTITUDES – Independence Confidence
LEARNER PROFILE: Knowledgeable Communicator


I am considering what provocations would allow the students to “to show what they know”–which is really the essence of our first unit.

Before I do any provocations though, I have to survey and collect data. Nothing fancy, but I need to know their answers to the following questions and then analyze their answers to make informed choices on how we can create invitations to play in mathematics. Also, it helps me to assess the Key Concept of ReflectionaflThese are the open-ended statements that can help me understand where the students are now:

  1. Math is……
  2. Math makes me feel…..
  3. Math is fun when….
  4. I do math by…
  5. Math is everywhere (agree or disagree) because…..

Here is some of the brainstorming that I am considering for “provocations” to begin to shape our awareness in our daily lives and help create an authentic invitation to play. (By the way, this is my first thinking–I haven’t collaborated or researched with peers–so this is raw and rough ideas, happening in real time on this blog):

  • The ole’ suitcase: Place inside a seemingly odd collection of items from everyday life  that represent mathematical strands* like a pair of pants (measurement), a bottle of water (shape and space), a license plate (number and pattern), a bag of candy (data handling), a clock (number), a map (shape and space), some rocks or shells (data handling/number and pattern), some tape (measurement). Then have students pair up, select an item, and discuss the guiding questions. Record their thinking onto SeeSaw.

(*May I just say that I know that selecting those items and arbitrarily labeling them in particular strands is a bit comical because I know that the students will come up with more interesting ideas and connections than I ever will. But this is just an “accounting task” to ensure that, in my adult mind, I’ve covered all possible topics.)

The Guiding Question(s): If math is everywhere, then how are these things related to math? What math might someone have used to create these things?–What ideas were people thinking about when they made these items? (Key Concepts: Connection, Perspective)

The next day, we would need to share those survey results with the class so that students can start developing their identities as mathematicians. We’d probably come up with a display and have the students do a gallery walk and discuss what they noticed. Then I would set out these items and ask a follow-up question: If you were to sort these items, which things would you put together and why? (This is just to further identify the connections they’ve made)

Up until this point, I am just trying to kill two birds with one stone: plant a seed that math can be everywhere and collect data about their thinking. But now I have set up the opportunity to have purposeful math discussions through invitations to play.  Of course, the types of tools and learning situations that can be engaged through play will obviously vary based on the survey and the data collected from the provocation.

But I think we could set up a variety of “challenges” or authentic contexts that can be steeped in play-based situations.

Example: The Challenge: Your mission should you accept it……

  • Fill the cup: using a straw and this bowl of water, how might we fill the cup to the line?

Possible Tools: drinking straw, spoon, soap pump, timer, popsickle sticks, paper, pencils

Because I didn’t ask for a particular tool to be used, then this becomes a more open-ended task, allowing more choice and helps me to get data on the student’s thinking. This amps up the play quotient and math possibilities.

Possible teacher questions: What if you used a spoon (or straw, or soap dispenser, etc..), how might this change your results? How do you know that you have completed this challenge? How might you do this challenge faster? How do you think we could record your success?

This forward planning for a provocation and “play-storm” is really just the beginning. In less than 2 weeks, the doors will officially open and learning will officially commence for the 2018-2019. I couldn’t be more eager to approach this year’s learning with a dedication to play, taking their ideas and imaginings and connecting them to math learning that matters to them is going to be important and fun work. As I consider the possibilities with play, it gets me really excited. I hope, no matter what age we teach, educators see the value and need for play in developing mathematical thinking.


#EdTech: Why Schools Need to Evolve and Put Computer Science in their Curriculum

#EdTech: Why Schools Need to Evolve and Put Computer Science in their Curriculum

“Okay, Google-play some 70’s Music”, my brother-in-law says aloud. All of a sudden Google responds, explaining how they have located a Pandora station to suit his taste. Although Google Home is an obvious form of AI (Artificial Intelligence), it is pervasion in our modern lives, from Uber to SnapChat, to those recommendations on Amazon (and any online business that tracks our data). However, most of us don’t even understand how a computer works, let alone how it “thinks”.

Here’s a bit of trivia: in 2014, most common job in America- What do you think?-It was a Truck Driver. (Thanks to Amazon.com) Does that surprise you?

most common job in 2014

But if you want your students to grow up and become a truck driver, good luck with that!-that’s a dead end job. Self-driving vehicles aren’t really “science fiction” anymore, they are predicted to become a “science fact” by the year 2020.

In fact, by 2033, 47% of our jobs will be automated.  So what does that mean? Well here is a smattering of a variety of jobs and the risk of being a part of that statistic.

  • 98% of umpires and referees will be replaced.
  • 97% of cooks at restaurants will be replaced.
  • 89% of bus drivers will be replaced.
  • 68% of dental hygienists will be replaced.
  • 4.9% of farmers and ranchers (although they will rely heavily on tech to support sustainable practices)
  • 0.4% of elementary school teachers (Yeah! I have a place in the future!!)

Supply vs. demand for computer scientists may vary from state to state in America, but there is definitely no lack of opportunity and the need is only going to increase, especially with the rise of Artificial Intelligence  (not just Alexa or Google Home). No country will be spared. It will only be a matter of time before technology not only augments our lives but disrupts our economic opportunities.  Furthermore, it can’t be long before policymakers and educators begin to recognize that not knowing how to code will be as crippling as not knowing how to read. To be technologically illiterate is a handicap that citizens cannot tolerate, and it can be prevented for our students.

So why isn’t it there a bigger initiative to promote it in our curriculums? In my opinion, because of there too many “digital immigrants” in education that are too scared to learn something new. Let’s be honest–ignorance and fear hold us back.  If I was to poll you, lovely reader, and ask you if you know basic computer programming, most of you would woefully sigh and say “no”. And I have to wonder if given a choice between learning computer programming language (like C++ or JavaScript) or Hungarian (supposedly one of the hardest languages to learn), most of us would choose a human language over computer language. But I don’t think we need to go out and pick up a book about Python for our summer reading, but we can embed the concepts and that kind of thinking in our classrooms. So, not only do you translate those 0s and 1s into images and ideas, but you discover how to solve problems and understand the impact a decision may make. Have you ever read the book Algorithms to Live By? If you are a naysayer or you just can’t see the connection, then I would really recommend that book. You’ll start to see how algorithms (which are a part of a computer program), impact our daily lives.

I remember thinking that students should learn the way I taught- they should adjust to me. I could not have been more wrong. A great teacher adjust to the learner, not the other way around (2) Goodness knows that in our PYP  schools, which I feel lead the educational landscape for innovation, I think we should consider teaching computer science as if it was an additional language–not to be cutting edge and trendy–but because those skills and concepts will be necessary for our learners to co-exist in their future world if not lead and create a better world that works for everyone.


Computer Science has changed everything and if we were to unpack our daily lives, we would feel more compelled to bring it into our classrooms. Period. Not because we are “experts” in it, but because we need our future generations to have a firm handle on it in order to survive if not thrive. As I attend a professional development workshop given by Code.org, I feel excited to find connections and ties in with computer science and math, science, language and even social studies (PSPE). And, being the nerd I am, get to figure out how to pull it into our POI (Programme of Inquiry). Perhaps you are as passionate about this as well. Please share your ideas and suggestions in the comments below about how you embed it into your classroom’s learning.

Mathematics in the Primary Years Program (PYP): Negotiating Transdisciplanary Vs. Stand Alone

Mathematics in the Primary Years Program (PYP): Negotiating Transdisciplanary Vs. Stand Alone

In the purest sense of the PYP, everything is the Unit of Inquiry (UOI), right? One of the greatest suppositions of transdisciplinary learning is to try to create enduring understandings that connect as many dots with the discrete subject areas. For example, when we think about how young children learn, when they play with blocks, they never think that they are “doing math” or “creating art” or “testing hypotheses”.  So it is our duty to match their curiosity and creativity which curriculum that is relevant, meaningful and engaging. However, as children develop and their thinking matures, we need to challenge them with more complex ideas in our inquiry-based and concept-driven approach to learning. But with Math, it is probably the one subject area that can be the most difficult to naturally incorporate into UOI and make transdisciplinary due to the demands of the mathematical concepts. 

For example, here is a How We Organize Ourselves UOI for students age 5-6 years old that works great for math:

Systems help us to make meaning and communicate.

  • systems in our community
  • ways we use systems
  • our responsibility within systems

Now, this is probably a great unit to develop the conceptual understanding that numbers are a naming system and, for a set of objects, the number name of the last object counted describes the quantity of the whole set; which can then help students to connect number names and numerals to the quantities they represent. (Phase 1, Number Strand of the IB Math Scope and Sequence).

 But then, in this same year group, you have a How We Express Ourselves unit like this:

Creating and responding to art develops an understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

  • what art is
  • how the arts communicate different messages
  • ways we respond and react to art
  • the different ways that can express ourselves through art

At first glance, you are probably thinking, duh!–this is an “art” unit, it’s gotta be Pattern…….or maybe Shape and Space for Transdisciplinary Math (TD)? I could do both, right?

Well, you could, but then you would be “exposing” students to these ideas but not necessarily really developing their conceptual understandings. To further demonstrate how challenging this decision is, think about this conceptual understanding: Shape and Space Strand: Shapes can be described and organized according to their properties;  Pattern: understand that patterns can be found in everyday situations, for example, sounds, actions, objects, nature. So now I am wondering which what part of the central idea or lines of inquiry supports either one of those strands?

You can see that unless you write central ideas and lines of inquiry that consciously make an effort to incorporate math, it can easily get nudged aside during UOI

Now, this example is in the early grades, imagine how difficult it gets in the upper grades! How would you write a UOI that could be a “good fit” for teaching decimals, the conversations of fractions and understanding exponents? You could, but you’d have to have a POI that leaned toward STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and have staff that is incredibly skillful at writing this curriculum so that Social Studies, the Arts, and PSPE don’t get sacrificed in the process. Most schools don’t go to such efforts. 

So thus we create “Stand Alones”, which are separate subject-specific units of inquiry, that we put into the PYP planner. There are many schools that do this for Math. Some schools do one-off or piecemeal planners for certain mathematical concepts that don’t fit into the transdisciplinary units while other schools just do this for upper year groups, yet others create a whole school Programme of Inquiry for math. (I won’t open up the conversation of how you might create a scope and sequence for math for these stand alones but please check out this blog post that details one school’s struggle to do so.)

In our school’s case, it was decided to create a POI that focused merely on Number and Pattern & Function Strands since these are the most difficult to incorporate into UOIs. With that in mind, most grade levels have TD maths running simultaneously with our Number/Pattern POI. As a disclaimer, it’s our first thinking on how we might approach improving mathematical thinking and learning at our school, so be gentle in your judgment. To create a POI for math is a daunting task, and there is no doubt that we will reflect and revise on ours.

In Grade 1, we are starting to encounter challenges when we look through the number of conceptual understandings and learning outcomes that need to be developed so we stopped and had a whole planning retreat to delve into this. As we looked through the IB Scope and Sequence and referenced the learning outcomes from other national standards, we wondered how much classroom time would it take to accomplish both Stand Alone AND TD Math?  Furthermore, is having essentially “2 Maths” (2 Math Strands) going co-currently a sensible idea-and how might we make it fit better? At the end of our discussions and debates, we mapped out the rest of the year’s TD Math. In one UOI (Where We Are in Place and Time, CI: Homes reflect cultural influences and local conditions.), we decided to not make a TD Math link because it might be “a stretch” to do so and instead to just focus on Number. Here is the Number central idea and lines of inquiry that we will cover during that time: 

Numbers often tell how many or how much
1. The amount of a number determines its position in a numeral
2. How we know when to regroup
3. How grouping numbers into parts can help us find solutions.

CONCEPTS – Function, Change, Reflection
ATTITUDES – Integrity, Confidence
LEARNER PROFILE: Knowledgeable

You can see that this unit has place value and regrouping strategies for addition and subtraction–one of the foundational conceptual understandings that must be well developed in Grade 1 and so needs more attention and time devoted to it. 

Likewise, we decided that we would make one of our units (How the World Works, whose CI we are rewriting), heavy on the TD Maths and a little lighter on the Number POI because we needed to really spend more time on developing the conceptual understandings within the Data and Measurement Strands. This is the Number UOI during that time:

Patterns repeat or grow
1. The ways patterns can be represented.
2. We use pattern to infer and to make predictions.

CONCEPTS – Form, Connection
ATTITUDES – Creativity

As you can see, our examination and reflection process is just beginning when it comes to negotiating classtime with TD Math and our Number POI. Sharing our grade level’s experience in this blog does not only reveal a bit of our thinking process but perhaps you are contemplating your school’s struggle with striking a balance between Stand Alone Math and TD Math and have an idea that would help navigate this challenge.

I’m deeply curious what kinds of conversations your school has regarding Math and what have you done to address “coverage” of concepts. Since our school is in the early days of developing and refining our Number POI, sharing perspectives and theories about using the PYP framework would be helpful to discuss and debate in our larger IB community because all of us are striving to create the best learning experiences and outcomes for our learners.  No pressure, but I’m hoping you will comment below. 🙂


Does your school have UOIs that were particularly successful at incorporating Math so that it was transdisciplinary?

How does your school balance TD Math and Stand Alone Math in the curriculum?

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