In April 2020 I needed to find an antidote to my seclusion. Not only was I physically isolated but also felt lonely professionally. Although there were lots of webinars and free professional development out there to help us execute online and hybrid learning, there wasn’t a lot that really supported my role as a coordinator beyond “emergency planning”. So I was inspired by a recommendation to read The Art of Coaching Teams: Building Resilient Communities That Transform Schools by Elena Aguilar. I felt like I needed to discuss and process it with others. So I decided to throw out the idea of forming a book discussion group to the PYP Coordinator Facebook community and the next thing I knew, a true virtual book club was formed.
Books have created a campfire experience, in which we huddle around its pages and tell stories about our lives and our practices as PYP curriculum coordinators. They can facilitate vulnerability and connection, and help us to take risks in our leadership practice. It’s the 4th year now and it is a joy to co-construct the reading list with colleagues from all over our global network of PYPC. One of the goals of our reading is to put at least one idea from the book into practice, and in our final meeting for that book title, we share an idea with the group of something that we have or we will put into practice. It’s like professional development on steroids because we are naturally each other’s accountability partners and support mastery in our leadership practice.
Typically I offer an “Early Bird” read at the end of the summer holiday or winter holiday, depending on your hemisphere. This book typically is adjacent to the work we do in our schools but not necessarily for educators. This year we have been reading The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life by Micheal Rucker, Ph.D. You can tell by the title that its aspirational message is to make fun an integrated part of your life and not just something that happens sometimes. The ideas I share in this post are stimulated by our discussions.
The PLAY Model
One of the key ideas of the book is to purposely design your life for more enjoyable experiences. To do that you need to take a “fun audit” and determine how and why you are spending your time the way that you do. He suggests you filter your audit through the PLAY model, analyzing your activities by how they make you feel: vibrant, pleasant, “meh” or in suffering.
In my mind, collaborative team meetings are really a “split screen”; part of the meeting is for team building and the other part is to achieve a particular goal. We can conduct this “fun audit” not only on our personal lives but in our professional lives. When do we truly feel alive as teachers? When is school a drudgery? And in those honest conversations with one another, how can we support each other in moving out of the “agonizing” quadrant to at least the “yielding” if not “pleasant” quadrant?
Treasure Chest
To me, time is something you don’t get a refund on. The time I spend with teams is precious and I want to help them to reflect on the moments of joy and fun in the classroom. Remembering these moments is important to our mental health and it stirs positive emotions that charge our “batteries”. We get so much energy and inspiration when we can share them moments with others.
There are many ways to do this. I could provide teachers with a meeting “exit ticket” in which they share a moment that they “treasured”, which could be with the students or with a colleague. I collect those happy memories and put them in a treasure chest, to pull out later at a staff meeting, helping them to recall those times when they enjoyed school life. And if a moment doesn’t come to mind during our meeting, it’s okay–they can hold on to the “ticket” and pop it in the treasure chest later.
The treasured moment includes:
Who was involved?
What happened, when it happened, and where it happened?
And why it was a treasure for them?
Or if that is too ambitious to bake this exit ticket into our meeting routines, then we do it as a component of an end-of-unit reflection or at least an end-of-term reflection. The goal is to find the good (there’s lots of it!) and to savor those beautiful moments we have with students and each other every day.
Finding Connection
Collaboration is a skill that we must develop intentionally with our teams and staff. Mindset and attitude play a vital role in how teams function. Having a desire to work with one another and demonstrating respect is an essential component of facilitating team dynamics. We have to like each other to work well with each other. Congeniality matters. Developing compassion and trust for members of a team is something that we can support by establishing camaraderie during our meetings. Plus, it gives us great data about the people we serve in our role. The great news–we can make it fun by doing quick “warm-ups” in our meetings. Here are a few light-hearted ways to bring people together.
This or That: Hobbies, movies, music, books, quotes favorite holidays, food–the topic doesn’t matter–it’s the ability to find commonalities is a really important aspect.
Roll of the Dice: Dice always add an element of excitement. Create options for things people can share based on what they roll. For example: 1, something that they are proud of. 2, the last thing you read about (can be personal or professional reading). 3, your favorite toy as a child. 4, a place that is on your bucketlist to visit. 5, the last resturant you went to. 6, a social media post that made you smile. (By the way, you could also use a Spinner tool if you don’t have dice)
“Yes and…”: This is a fun improv activity in which the team has to plan an event and the goal is to agree with what the person says and add on another idea to the planning. For example: You’re going away on a wonderful trip to The Shire (the mythical home of hobbits in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings.”). Clothes and toiletries will be provided for you but you can bring some other items to make this trip special. What will you bring? Remember, this can be any type of event, realistic or imaginary like this one–anything from a Taylor Swift concert to a something even quirkier like the World Toe Wrestling Championship. You would do a round or 2 just to have a few laughs and practice agreeing with one another.
What meme lives here: show a funny picture and write a quick quip as a meme. Can be done individually or created as a group.
What’s your story?: Show a collage of some funny children books. If you could be a character in one of these books, which one would you choose and why.
Would you rather?: similar to This or That but it can be more silly and can add a 3rd option.
These are just some ideas that will hopefully help you to spark some opportunities for relationship building and infuse some energy into meetings. Remember, the intention is to bring levity and joy to the start of the meeting. These activities should not go beyond 5 minutes.
Are you the nerdy type of pedagogical leader?
For me, the PYPC Book club has been a source of amazing professional development. I’ve been inspired by other great pedagogical leaders, and it has nudged me out of my comfort zone. I hope this post not only sparks some fresh thinking, but also helps you to consider other ways to connect with other IB educators. If you are a PYPC and you’d be interested in joining, please send me a message so I can share our reading schedule with you.
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.
Ever since we decided to give one of the “enhanced” planners from the Programme Resource Centre a try, we have been reflecting on our planning process. Do these planning templates actually “enhance” our planning process? Moreover, how might our planner be a reflection of Who We Are? Between our frustration with the “enhanced” template and our school’s own initiatives, we thought it would benefit our planning if we co-constructed our own PYP planner.
The Process
In order to approach these questions, we used design thinking to navigate our discussions and our guide us on this journey. As you can see from the graphic below, it is not really a linear process but one that involves constant dialogue and reflection along the way.
Empathize and Define
We launched our discussions during teacher in-service days when we had a fair amount of time to explore and worked in mixed grade-level groups. As you might know already, schools can either use one of the planners provided by the PYP or develop their own planner based on the collaborative planning process. We started by examining the current “enhanced” planner that we had adopted earlier that year and had groups discuss its Pros and Cons, carefully considering…
The different elements of the PYP framework in the planner
The amount of “boxes”
The layout
Visual elements like colors and icons
The leading questions
Do they help your planning conversations? Why or Why not?
These conversations lead us to think about what is the purpose of the PYP planner and its role in collaboration. We took some time re-reading and reflecting on the IB’s document about the collaborative planning process before we researched different templates that other schools had created. Groups analyzed the templates and took notes on what they liked about each planner. Based on these conversations, we came up with some criteria that we wanted to in our own planner:
The essential elements of the PYP UOI planner.
Color coding for collaborative phases to help them know when they needed to be dipping back into the planner.
Some links to helpful documents or terms in case people had doubts about what to put in boxes.
Sections that clearly defined what the specialists were doing in their classes.
Groups began to sketch out ideas and started to create their own versions in their teams. They could use either Google Docs or Google Slides to create their template. Their creations lead to many interesting conversations and lively debates. Eventually, we came back together and teams analyzed each other’s potential prototypes and we voted on one.
Prototype and Testing
The purpose of a prototype is to provide a representation of what a “final” design could be like. It gives the opportunity to analyze potential flaws and where there might be improvements. With this in mind, we gave the agreed-upon prototype a spin during our upcoming UOI planning. After the teams had a chance to use it, I met with them to discuss what they liked and didn’t like about it. I took notes and then made adjustments to create a final draft planner. I shared the draft planner and got feedback on its elements again. I created an exemplar and through that process, I continued to make revisions that supported our school’s goals.
During the course of this year, we have been using this final version. There are things that have worked and didn’t work with it. So even though we went through many iterative cycles, it’s not easy to create a planning document.
Do Betters
If I had to do this all over again, these are the areas that I think deserve more “air time” in the overall design of the planning document.
Collaborative Practices: To think that a one-size-fits-all planner is going to improve collaboration is naive and, in hindsight, I think an examination of our collaborative practices would have been a better place to start. Not only would it address the EMPATHIZE component better, but would have helped us DEFINE what we really needed in order to truly personalize our planner.
Connecting the head with the heart: Although our template definitely supports more understanding of the content in different subjects, supporting transfer is really tricky. Thinking through how we can get students to acquire knowledge and skills throughout the inquiry and make transdisciplinary connections is really a big goal of our learning framework. Moreover, how might their learning transfer into action? This is definitely something that we have to put front and center in our re-design.
Cultivating and Curating Curiosity: Evidencing the learning on the planner has been the hardest part of the planner to fill out. During the inquiry, teachers rarely remember specific questions that students asked unless they are captured on sticky notes or posters. Using digital platforms to upload pictures or learning artifacts is often a better source of documentation than our planners. This is an area that we must unpack more and consider how we can support assessment practices that develop learner-centered approaches and inform teachers.
I’m sure more ideas and reflections will emerge as we work to co-construct a meaningful PYP planner that supports our goals. I’m wondering what other considerations might be out there, but am hopeful that they will emerge as we move forward during the re-design of the planner.
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.
I’m going to be honest, I am skeptical about 2022. Although Covid has impacted me on a minor scale personally, it’s quite clear that this pandemic isn’t over yet and I have had friends and colleagues who have really experienced its malingering effects. So, would putting a pause on professional learning be better for teacher well-being? Hmm…..
Recently in a Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project’s coaching institute Brooke Geller spoke about how important professional development is, especially during this time because teachers need to know (build capacity) and need to grow (have motivation). When we engage in meaningful and authentic professional learning experiences, it helps to fill our teachers’ emotional tank, as they feel reignited with purpose. But training and PLCs are not enough to sustain this spark. As leaders, we have to recongize how fragile and fleeting aspirations may be, thus kindle teachers enthusiam and interest. More importantly, we have to be vunerable and stand shoulder to shoulder with our teachers, learning together so we can grow together. Moveover, Brooke cited some of the advice from Leading the Rebound, in which leaders have to be more explicit noticing and naming the causal relationships in teacher’s practice and how this effort leads to impact on student learning. An example of a teacher conversation might “I noticed that you updated your word wall and because you updated the word wall, I see that the kids are using it to discuss new vocabulary terms and reference it for spelling.” In times like this, teachers need to know that their efforts are making a difference. Even our best, most talented and resilent educators need to be openly acknowledged.
This insight could not have come at a better time. I am in the midst of reading another great book, A Guide to Documenting Learning, in our PYP Coordinator Book Club. Although this book by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano and Janet Hale is aimed mostly at teachers, it challenges all members in a school community to consider how they can make their learning visible. They bekon all of us in education to embue the qualities of a life-long learner:
the curiousity and risk-taking of a Researcher
the restless spirit of an Adventurer
the dedication to unlearning and relearning as we make theories like a Scientist
the imagination of a Story teller
the courage of an Innovator
Thinking about my role as the coordinator, I feel I have an obligation not only to model this but to document these attributes in our teachers. As a matter of fact, when I read this quote, I heard myself gasp outloud, as I recongized its signficance with professional learning:
You might agree that most teachers (like most adults) don’t know what they don’t know until they have an “ah-ha moment” or epiphany. Of course I can orchestrate self-reflection through the intentional use of thinking strategies in our meetings. But I want to stretch myself be a mirror in order to help teachers to see how they are as life-long learners as well as putting into focus the impact that they are making on student learning. I think I can not only proactively capture how learning is occuring but also provide noursishment to the souls of my teachers, making them aware that who they are and what they do matter.
So as we begin our new term’s PLCs, I am making the intention to not only verbally praise teachers’ efforts towards self-improvement but also create artifacts of their learning journey (as well as the students) so I can model how to collect evidence of learning, but more importantly promote teacher well-being. And although I feel that 2022 feels a bit tenuous, I am excited by the prospect of demonstrating the growth and development of my amazing teachers.
A few years ago, I was introduced to the “Ameoba of Cultural Change” model. I found it to be an interesting way to describe how innovation happens in organizations. As simple, single-cell organisms, amoebas blindly step into the unknown, reaching for “food”; so too do organizations, as innovators and change agents push people towards new ideas and inventions. Although I agree with the personalities within this organizational change model, I don’t think that change has to happen this slowly.
Clearly, we are in unprecedently times and CoVid-19 has certainly been the catalyst for rapid changes in “how we do school” across the globe. And you see nations whose educational systems are paralyzed in the midst of this epidemic. It reminds me of the book, Future Shock by Alvin Toffler that describes the emotional anguish that people undergo as they try to adjust to rapid and disruptive technological changes. I feel that we are definitely in the midst of this feeling as educators who would have been labeled as “laggards”, “curmudgeons”, and “reactionaries” are now unwillingly forced into change. But even those of us who are the “change agents” and “innovators” in our schools can experience equally and acutely how terrifying and painful this experience of remote learning is. The only difference is that our “AHHHHHHHHHH” converts into “AHH-ha” in a shorter period of time. Toffler reminds us all that:
The responsibility for change…lies within us. We must begin with ourselves, teaching ourselves not to close our minds prematurely to the novel, the surprising, the seemingly radical.
~ Alvin Toffler
Wise advice for all of us, don’t you think?
Personally, I am excited by the forced change–not because I think we all need an Edtech facelift in our schools, but because of the transformation that is happening pedagogically. In a short amount of time, more and more educators are shuffling off traditional and inefficient models of practice to create more intentional and dynamic learning experiences.
At our school, we have transformed the way that we have been using SeeSaw in order to provide for asynchronistic learning activities and now we are using Zoom for real-time instruction and social engagement. In less than a month, the teachers have been moving fast and furious in developing a positive challenge mindset, figuring out they can be more collaborative, and fine-tuning intentional approaches to learning and assessment. Although it is very hard for some to see how amazing this metamorphosis is, as a PYP Coordinator, I am in awe of my teachers and have a deep respect for them plunging into the unknown of online learning together.
Whether we are doing distance learning for another 2 weeks or 2 months, I know that no one will be the same after this experience. At the very least, we will be more critical of curriculum-in-a-box approaches to teaching students and develop the skill of distilling the concepts and the strategies that students need to be successful. Alvin Toffler explains the importance of this skill well….
You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” ~ Alvin Toffler
To get good at reflecting on our practice is so crucial during this time. But I feel that after we retreat into our long holidays, all of us will have the opportunity to feel proud of our growth and willingness to tackle fears. Yes, there will be some of us who may feel traumatized and stressed by this technological kick-in-the-butt, however, I feel that a larger majority will be transformed and energized by their professional growth.
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.
As I sit here with my laptop perched in my lap, I hear birds singing and a car tumble down our steep road. I can see the light start to peek out behind puffy clouds resting on the tops of buildings and mountains. Today seems to be like any other day here in Brazil, but if I were to turn on my TV or dare to look at my internet news feed, I would experience a different reality–one that is gripped with fear. Fear of catching a virus. Covid19. You would think that this is some kind of storyline from World War Z, a once-popular zombie apocalypse movie in which people scramble to contain a terrible virus. I don’t think Covid19 is going to lead to the destruction of mankind, but we sure are behaving in a very cautious manner.
So, here we are, as educators, in the midst of figuring out how we can do remote learning. For many of us, even the most tech-savvy, we are grappling with the lack of experience with this kind of learning. As I write this post, our school isn’t facing the reality of doing this quite yet, but we are preparing for when learning goes online. But I live in Belo Horizonte, tucked in the mountains of Minas Gerais, where we only have 1 case within the whole city. In Sao Paulo, the city that has the most cases of coronaviruses, they face other challenges. Our biggest and most extraordinary conference in this region is set to take place next week–AASSA Educators’ Conference that has educational rockstars like John Hattie, Cindy Moss and George Couros who will be keynote speakers. Yours truly was going to present as well. I have never felt so excited about a conference in my life.
But we received a notice last week that it’s …..getting canceled? Nope, it’s going virtual!! My first reaction was surprise. Woah–kudos to them for not outright canceling! I loved how the organization was really taking the lead on moving forward, despite schools’ travel restrictions. Of course, I was bummed that we weren’t going to Sao Paulo. Traveling and networking are some of my favorite part of these events. But as we sat in our principles office, it became clear, as the leader of professional learning, it was my job to be a cheerleader. (For anyone who knows me, this actually isn’t a stretch.) I was eager to turn lemons into lemonade. Because our school had actually created Professional Development days on our school calendar in order for the bulk of us to attend. We were going to have our staff come on-site in order to ensure that they were distraction-free and had access to technology. I started brainstorming ideas of how we were going to make it fun and engaging.
But on Friday (the 13th, no less) I saw the email from AASSA with the subject line that said: AASSA 2020 Educators’ Conference – CANCELED
I blinked. Did I read that right? So I clicked to read:
We have continued to monitor the developments related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The situation is quickly evolving and schools in our region are attending to pressing demands that make participating virtually in a conference during this time extremely challenging. Therefore, the AASSA 2020 Educators’ Conference is canceled.
When I read that my mouth dropped and my heart sank. it means that there are 2 unplanned PD days. Now, what are we going to do? Cancel those days and head to the beach? Hahaha–not a chance! With over 57 countries currently calling off school, my principal informed me that we are going to prepare for what now seems inevitable. Remote Learning.
The good news is that we have been preparing for remote learning for a while. Kasey Bell posted a really helpful blog post called: Coronavirus Closures? Online Learning Tips for Teachers and Schools that helped our school to create an Essential Agreement with our teachers for remote learning. For our lower school, it meant that we needed to get really good at SeeSaw and at Google Meets–the 2 platforms that we were going to focus on. (Less is more!)
Serendipitously, I had a recent chat with Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano, and she inspired me with some ideas. So with that in mind, I started scrambling to get these 2 days planned.
My current thinking is that during our PD days we will play BINGO. My principal always asks me when I go to him with ideas–“so what are your goals?” So, with that in mind, the goals of my PD BINGO are as follows:
For teachers to PRACTICE online collaboration (with Google Meets)
For teachers to LEARN more about remote learning through social media and blogs.
For teachers to DOCUMENT their learning.
For teachers to NETWORK with other educators outside our organization.
For grade levels to feel PREPARED for our first day of remote learning.
And most importantly, for everyone to have FUN while we are in the midst of stressful times.
Here is the draft of the BINGO:
Even though this isn’t at the same level of awesomeness that an in-person, live conference is, I do hope that this helps our staff to feel less stressful by getting prepared, connected and feeling competent with using the tools that we have designated for our remote learning. This also provides a window into any technical hiccups that we might encounter and allow teachers the support they need before we actually go live with remote learning.
I know that most schools haven’t had the luxury of preparing teachers like we might have. It’s not even a guarantee that we will go remote. But the pressure is on the local and national authorities to decide. And when they do, we intend to be ready!
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.
Being held accountable for improving the standard of learning is a weighty task, one that I take very seriously. It consumes a lot of energy in my role as a PYP Coordinator. Every Wednesday morning has been carved out for me to facilitate training and engage in a PLC (Professional Learning Communities). As you can see by this graphic, ensuring that our professional development time is well-spent is an important matter to be considered.
I’ve been in the field of education for 2 decades and I have definitely seen how it has evolved. In the book, Professional Learning in Actionby Victoria J. Risko, MaryEllen Vogt, it was interesting that they noted research done by Kragler, Martin, and Sylvester that described the stages of professional learning over the years:
the in-service era (1950-1960s)
the staff-development era (1970-1980s)
the professional development era (1990-2000s)
the professional learning era (the mid-2000s to present)
Our current era, suggests that teachers must become leaders in their own learning, no longer passive receptacles but self-motivated and responsible. As educators, we are to engage in problem-solving, which is guided by our social constructivists’ principles. When we are intentionally directing our own learning, we are more purposeful in our decision-making in order to advance our knowledge and expertise.
In Zen, there is an expression: Go as a River.
Zen philosophy always likes to represent a complex idea in simple terms, but this saying suggests that we have the capacity to receive, embrace and transform concepts, emotions, and difficult situations, in order to create peace, freedom, and community. The Nobel Laureate, Thích Nhất Hạnh, reminds us that we cannot reach the ocean like a drop of water, we must surrender our isolation and learn how to come together through compassion and a willingness to accept each other unique qualities in order for us to have the energy to do the work we dedicate ourselves to, which in his world, is mindfulness.
There is strength in community.
As a Primary Years Programme Curriculum Coordinator, the heart of my work is collaboration. I not only model it through my efforts with members of the leadership team but with other stakeholders. And, moreover, I strive to cultivate greater collaboration amongst my staff.
The types of collaboration I see teachers engage in happens on multiple levels
In the classroom: with the teachers who support learners, and the learners themselves.
In grade levels: with the team of teachers for that grade level.
In the division: with the various teachers and students at the different grade levels
In the school: with other divisions’ students and/or teachers, the school leadership or the parent organization.
In the community: with groups that are affiliated with the school or other organizations that they volunteer or work with. But in a sense, they are an ambassador of the school.
In networks: with individuals or groups that share common values or interests.
So I have taken this notion, to Go As a River, as the rational and objective of our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) this year. In my mind, coming together to learn with one another is an intimate and vulnerable act, since it requires honesty, openness, and transparency. There are so many models of PLCs, mostly data-driven, however, I wanted a different approach. I wanted to bake a process into our PLCs that did the following:
developed the skills of collaboration within our division and our teams.
allowed for teacher agency.
taught teachers how to be researchers and guided them through a process of putting educational theory into professional practice.
cultivated supportive teams that helped individual teachers through the struggle in order to build teachers’ self-efficacy, something that has a high impact on student learning, according to John Hattie.
built the capacity to debate and discuss issues without personalizing it, so that people can have the experience of having productive and meaningful conflict.
In this way, teachers are pushed out of their comfort zone in a healthy and safe way, and everyone in our program benefits from our risk-taking efforts, especially our learners, who need us to be responsive. I also felt that it would be important to incorporate the “5 energies of high-performing teams” that you can see in this graphic:
Clearly, I have high hopes for our teams. Simon Sinek, a man whose work inspires me to stretch boundaries, reminds me in this TED talk, that developing the trust and will to cooperate is not something you can simply instruct team to do, (“Get along, people!) but it is a feeling that is cultivated through the climate you create to provide a sense of safety.
As someone who gets to “set the tone” of not only how we collaborate but who we become as professional learners, it would be easy to turn to the many books written about how to construct Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and just copy and paste those systems. But the heart of these systems was designed for standardized test scores and relied on student data in order to inform practices of school improvement. I struggled with this for several reasons, chief among them is that I don’t want our students to fit into a “standard”, I want them to be looked at as unique and special. I didn’t want them to reduce to numbers. If we only use data as the foundation of what we do, then we would miss out on opportunities for genuine teacher inquiries. Speaking of which, I examined the structure of teacher action research and thought perhaps that applying this practice into professional inquiries would be the route to go. However, I found that this was a goal-orientated structure that didn’t actually “teach” teachers how to collaborate, and may not appeal to all teachers since it typically culminates into a research paper. I felt that this put pressure on teams, and why would I want to stress out teams for the glory of publication? The last professional learning structure I examined was the Lesson Study I felt that this was a great tool to incorporate into our PLCs but wasn’t the PLC itself. Thus, I wanted to take what was great about all of these systems and create something that is unique, something that represents, perhaps even mirror, what we might expect in our Primary Years Programme (PYP) classroom.
Speak the Same Language (Intellectual Energy)
In a previous post, What Can Pedagogical Leaders Do to Grease the Wheels of Innovation in Their Schools? I’ve talked about the importance of ensuring that teams have a shared instructional language. Our principal, Matt Ihle, says it best: “Building understanding is the purpose of communication”–and thus by coming into an agreement of what PLC means to us, is the foundation for the work we will do this year.
This is our working definition of a PLC
So, the first order of business was not to come up with “norms” but to come up with a shared working definition of what it means to be “professional learners in our community”. We have to make sure that when I say we are having a PLC meeting, staff know exactly what that means because we have co-constructed a description that is full of vision and purpose.
Be over Do (Social Energy)
Often times we create these agendas and rush into the “doing” of the work before us, squandering really important time to develop teams. I can’t begin to tell you how many schools I’ve either worked at or visited that have leaders who feel that all they need to do is to throw adults into the room, give them a 1/2 hour to establish “norms” and collaboration happens. No! And No!
Conflict happens and what we do with conflict determines the capacity to do good work in our schools and creates the climate in our schools. How we move through conflict has everything to do with trust. In the book, Speed of Trust, Stephen Convey explains that “Speed happens when people truly trust each other.”--one of the reasons why teams are more productive and efficient is due to working through conflict faster. Think about this quote:
“In a high-trust relationship, you can say the wrong thing, and people will still get your meaning. In a low-trust relationship, you can be very measured, even precise, and they’ll still misinterpret you.”
― Stephen M.R. Covey, The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything
You know that is true–communication and trust go hand in hand. You can probably think back to a time when someone said something to you that triggered in you some negative emotion and it made it hard to be around that person. However, you may have a friend or colleague who can say something critical and you can reflect on it without being offended by it. Why is that? The reason is that this friend or colleague shares your values. As a result of that, you choose to see how you are connected rather than distinct. Finding common ground is easy when you share common ideals.
So, again, we didn’t talk about “norms”, instead we talked about values. In our first meeting, we ranked and shared personal values with our co-teachers, and in the next meeting, we unpacked and discussed our professional values. It was incredible to see the shift and hear the conversations. People really got to know one another and have discussions that were meaningful, even if they weren’t directly about the PYP Enhancements and student learning. They had permission to be who they are, and what became the “norm” was acceptance and appreciation.
Tribes Vs Teams (Spiritual Energy)
Tribes represent a culture with shared interests and values. Leadership roles are distributed and dynamic. Individuals work toward a common goal, for the sake of their community. This is exactly what I wished for as the engine behind our PLC. These meetings should the development of a coalition that is dedicated to a purpose, so I wanted to turn teams into tribes.
So teachers took a Google survey to put their interests and questions around student learning. I looked for keywords and patterns in order to form the basis of the tribes, then sorted them into their inquiry groups.
Encouraging Curiosity and Inquiry
Student Agency
Play-based Learning
Student Motivation
Differentiation and Universal Design for Learning
Language and Literacy
When the tribes were inaugurated, I gave them a guide for this “vision quest” and referenced the work from the Center for Courage and Renewal as the premise for our rules of engagement and the Circle of Trust Touchstones became the “norms” of our tribes.
Tribes came together to discuss why this topic matters to them and unpack their philosophies and beliefs that will guide their practice. During another meeting, they crafted a mission statement for the work they will do throughout the school year. In their meetings, they would choose their roles, which were flexible, and purely determined by the group. In this way, they could see the significance of their collaboration and develop a strong support system among them. Mid-year, we would examine and reflect on these mission statements, in order to determine the next steps. And, although some tribes were larger than others, every group has found their way to work through their challenges.
As a part of their PLCs, we had some meetings dedicated to going back to their grade level teams to share what they have been learning about and what their experience has been like doing the Lesson study and peer observations. We used the framework of the constructivist listening tool to provide for deep listening as people had time to share without interruption or judgment.
Acknowledging the Learning Pit (Psychological Energy)
I feel very strongly that if we are to take the profession of education seriously, then we will always be in a state of cognitive dissonance, as we grasp and reach for the “best practice” for the students that we teach. In my post, Why There is No Escape From the Learning Pit, , I explain this conundrum:
“It’s sort of ironic–me, the teacher, who is supposedly the expert, is often shoulder-deep with the students, trying to figure out the course and direction of the inquiry, instead of being assured and confident about the path we are going. It seems that bewilderment, frustration, and struggle have become the perks of being in a state of wonder and anticipation.”
I think there is a real danger in not acknowledging the struggles we face when we start walking the talk, putting principles into practice. I wanted our teams to be prepared for it and accept it. Remember that Go As a River means that we the capacity to receive, embrace and transform concepts, emotions, and difficult situations, in order to create peace, freedom, and community.
The Learning Pit is inevitable, in which we debate and grapple with who we are to who we wish to become as teachers. Furthermore, I explained that it was my job to get them out of their teacher’s comfort zone and that the structure of our PLCs was intended to push them into the pit, but it would also be designed to pull them out. Setting up this expectation was important because I wanted to normalize discomfort but also emphasize that it is safe to do it.
The Cycle of Professional Learning (Physical Energy)
Years ago, I read the book Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise by Anders Ericsson and the one big idea that I took away from it was that mastery comes from commitment. So I wanted to ensure that staff had the opportunity to test out and practice ideas, all the while, developing “staying power” when they face challenges with implementation. Thus are PLCs would be cyclical so people could problem solve and celebrate accomplishments. So our PLC meetings would include discussions around the following:
Research:Ask questions and seeking professional literature and learning resources that shed light on the most effective practices.
Implementation: Discuss the challenges and successes of implementing new ideas and practices.
Lesson Study: Develop lessons and integrate ideas into your learning community.
Peer Observation: Watch a lesson related to the research topic. Engage in discussion and self-reflection afterward.
Data evaluation: Discuss the results of either formative, summative or anecdotal evidence of learning.
Self-reflection:Consider your practice and develop your next steps on your learning journey.
Review and Debate: Examine ideas that have arisen as a result of your reading, feedback from your peer observation and implementation of new practices.
These ingredients would the agenda items for our meetings and represent the types of things we would do within our Action Learning Cycle.
Explore and Plan
First, each teacher inquiry needs to start by sharing the personal research around our areas of interest. We set up a SeeSaw PLC group so that people could post the things that were inspiring them. There’s a proverb: “to know and not do, is to not know”; so I wanted to ensure that teachers developed the capacity to read articles or watch videos with the impetus of testing ideas out in their classroom. To take curiosity and put into action, that would be the heart of the work we would do as life-long learners. Here is an anecdote from our PLC that facilitated this practice:
Pre-planning of a lesson: Translating Research Into Action
The research article I’d like to share:
A summary of the article:
The teaching actions are reflected in this article that I don’t do, but I want to try is….
Nothing fancy here, but it’s the lubricant of change and was the prerequisite for the lesson study. Again, I didn’t design anything complicated for that either. I wanted a simple format that would have the basic ideas for the peer observations:
The Plan: Framing the Peer Observation
What questions will drive the lesson? What planned actions will take place in the lesson? (Use the chart to simplify the “looks fors” for your peer)
What the teacher(s) do(es)?
What do the students do?
As a result of applying my new professional learning into the lesson, I expect (my hypothesis about the unplanned actions) the students to…..
This is the implementation phase when a teacher conducts a lesson that integrates their learning from their research and has a peer observe their attempt. The peer observation not only shares practice but it also holds teachers accountable to initiate their growth. Peers come together to share their notes and provide feedback.
And although implementation seems like an obvious action, going back into the research is also an action too. Research includes looking at student data, which can be formal or informal, and also examining more articles and videos–whatever resource they want to use to further their practice.
Bends in the River
As much planning as I put into cultivating the collaborative and trusting climate of our tribes, I have to also be willing to throw things out, as I reflect on what is happening in classrooms and in discussions. I must allow for things to happen organically. Sometimes it means allowing tribes to hold tension, giving them the opportunity to grapple with issues around what is the “best” approach. However, I think this is the kind of spirit that is imbued in the concept of “Go As A River”, as we transform conflict (whether it is trivial or substantial) and trudge out of the Learning Pit, becoming better for it, together.
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.
With 2 weeks left of school, the reality of summer holiday feels palpable. My favorite part of summertime is sitting either by the lake or pool with a good book. I find long periods of reading to be restorative and energizing. However, there are so many good books out there that it’s not easy to create a short list. Here’s are my “must-reads” for the summer:
I found reading Berger’s last book, The Book of Beautiful Questions, problematic because I had to constantly put it down to take notes and apply it. It wasn’t a passive reading experience and it has helped me to be more creative when solving problems, both professionally and personally. Needless to say, I have high hopes for this sequel.
What I hope to gain from this book?
Although I expect to be inspired by the stories and case studies, I hope it will deepen my knowledge of design thinking and help me “sharpen my saw” when it comes to using curiosity as a tool for innovation.
Translanguaging has been a term that has been floating around for the last couple years and I really don’t know how it is different from bilingual or multilingual. I would like to learn more about what it is and how we might approach language development in a more thoughtful and holistic way.
What I hope to gain from this book?
My hope is to better understand what this term even means and how I might identify when translanguaging is happening, so I might promote it in our school. I’ve already started reading it and it has already opened my eyes to lots of issues that schools face with their policies and the challenges teachers have in their classrooms.
After I read the book, Super Better by Jane McGonigal, I have been intrigued by the cultivation of a game mindset to solve problems and overcome personal/professional difficulties. This book goes deeper into the design elements of games and how to use a human-centered approach to challenges.
What I hope to gain from this book?
I find a “game mindset” is such an appealing way to live, full of fun and fascination, as you tackle the “bad guys” through your exciting adventure called LIFE. I’d love to apply it work-related situations, including but not limited to teachers’ professional development and encouraging critical research skills and a love of reading for students.
Having experience in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) done well I know they can be transformative. However, I’ve also been at quite a few schools that have either done it poorly or not at all. With that in mind, I feel that my spotty background needs some gaps filled, and I felt this book might do the trick.
What I hope to gain from this book?
I have high hopes for this book, including defining what collaboration could look like at our school, as well as creating a pedagogical focus and timeline in which to do the work. Also, I am a bit on the fence about whether teachers should do their own personal inquiries, something that I am really a big fan of, for their professional goals or if PLCs should be linked to a global teaching initiative. I’m hoping to gain some perspective and clarity around this conundrum by reading this book.
As someone who is a PYP Curriculum Coordinator, I am always interested in marrying efficiency with effectiveness to create a dynamic learning experience through our Programme of Inquiry. So the book blurb immediately hooked me:
A review of the research on brain networks reveals, surprisingly, that there are just five basic pillars through which all learning takes place: Symbols, Patterns, Order, Categories, and Relationships. Dr. Tokuhama-Espinosa proposes that redesigning school curriculum around these five pillars—whether to augment or replace traditional subject categories—could enable students to develop the transdisciplinary problem-solving skills that are often touted as the ultimate goal of education.
I have had this on my book wish list for a while and it’s due time that I read it! I follow Rich Czyz on Twitter and his posts always provoke and inspire me. Now that I am back in a position in which I have input into professional development, I feel that using and building upon his ideas and approaches will amplify the growth of teachers at school. I believe that this book will be highly practical and insightful.
What I hope to gain from this book?
Plain and simple: ideas, ideas, ideas for planning professional development and creating a culture that loves growing and learning!
Early in my elementary school career, I read the book, The Compassionate Classroom and it made me reflect deeply on how I can use my words to help or harm others. Fast forward to a couple of years ago, when I decided to dedicate myself to the 5 Mindfulness Trainings , I came into the awareness that I had still not mastered my communication skills. My most challenging mindfulness practice is “loving speech and deep listening” and I felt that this book had a lot of strategies and practices that would help me refine my skills as a mindful communicator.
What I hope to gain from this book?
As someone moving to a new school community and is in leadership, I am very conscious of how my words can impact my relationships. New to staff and parents, my words can make an immediate impression, so I want it to be a positive one from the get-go. I hope that this book will help me to be more present and convey the best version of myself. So, in general, I develop into a more clear and compassionate communicator.
To be honest, the work of this author and educator is new to me. However, he is coming to our school for professional development, so I want to be sure to be familiar with his work.
What I hope to gain from this book?
He has some interesting ideas about assessment practices, so I am keen to examine how we can apply his ideas into our culture of learning. I also find his ideas promising in how we might rethink and re-imagine report cards.
I know that this is an ambitious reading list, but between my Audible app for road trips and my Kindle for the poolside, I think I can make a serious dent in professional reading for the summer
What about you? What are your must-reads for the summer?
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.
I just turned the last page of the book, Educated by Tara Westover, an engrossing read about a girl who struggled with her “homeschooling” by her fundamentalist Mormon family and pursued a formal college education. I was deeply touched by her internal conflict to find herself in the midst of the incessant drone of her upbringing to follow a path of a “righteous” compliant woman who remains ignorant of the world and tolerant of abuse. And, although her story has a backdrop of extremism, there are many parallels that many of us can relate to. Think about this quote for a minute:
“My life was narrated for me by others. Their voices were forceful, emphatic, absolute. It had never occurred to me that my voice might be as strong as theirs.”
― Tara Westover, Educated
As I ponder this quote, not only can I see the connection between roles and power in my family dynamics but also in our educational system. Most of us have been brought up by the “Shoulds”, an unrelenting group of people who we have given our power over to. We have been socially engineered, and they influence how we design and navigate our lives. And now, as educators, we are presented with a challenge to create agency in our students, something that many of us never had a direct experience of as a child. This paradigm-shifting requires a deep examination of our beliefs about education and what it means to be “educated”.
One of the turning points for Tara Westover was when she read Isiah Berlin’s essays about Positive and Negative Liberty, in which she came to recognize that personal freedom and political freedom are interwoven. And when I say political freedom, I am not talking about Democrats vs. Republicans or Labour vs. Conservative parties, it is broader than that: the ability to choose and exercise one’s values and beliefs in society.
To coerce a man is to deprive him of freedom–freedom from what? Almost every moralist in human history has praised freedom. Like happiness and goodness, like nature and reality, the meaning of this term is so porous that there is little interpretation that it seems able to resist…… Men are largely interdependent, and no man’s activity is so completely private as never to obstruct the lives of others in anyway. `Freedom for the pike is death for the minnows’; the liberty of some must depend on the restraint of others. Two Concepts of Liberty, Isiah Berlin
As we move further away from our “totalitarian approach” of teacher-directed learning and transition into more student-led learning, it may appear that our role as a teacher is becoming irrelevant. That ‘Freedom for the pike is death to the minnows’, in which empowering students to be self-directed diminishes the need for teachers altogether, especially with the technology that is out there. But I disagree. As we provide for more opportunities for students to determine where the content takes them in their learning journey, our true power lies in the craft of empowering them to manage themselves wisely. So, on the surface, it looks like we are giving up control, but in actuality, when we are eliciting more student voice, choice, and ownership, we are amplifying our influence and consequently we need to develop more skillfulness in the practices that shape and promote agency:
Fostering aspiration. Cultivating a vision that is orientated in inspiring others to follow their interests and solve problems that seem impossible.
Reflective Conversation. Having discussions that lead students to think deeper, beyond the “what” and more about the “why”.
Feedback. Appreciating that there are levels of quality and students understand where they stand in order to feel empowered to take the next step.
Seeing Systems. Developing the classroom as a living system so that they recognize what they are teaching each other. And then what is the awareness of the larger context in which we’re operating in beyond our classroom?
Actions Matter. Reminding them that you always have a choice; even inaction is an action–a choice to do nothing is still something, so make better choices.
I think all of us can agree that in the midst of our shifting paradigm in education, our knowledge of content is less important and instead, our knowledge of our craft is more highly valued. When I think about professional development for educators, there are 3 things that we have to get particularly good at: Motivation, Feedback, and Awareness.
I think honing our ability to motivate students is a necessary component of our craft. The focus of “classroom management” is becoming less to do with bending the children to our will but more about helping them to sustain their learning through practical and organized systems in our classroom. No more “I’m done” because they appreciate that there is another step along their learning path to take.
Hence, developing real acumen with giving timely and effective feedback is another area for developing expertise. Knowing when to say less yet ask more can be a real talent. Using the ancient wisdom of Socrates to dig deep with questioning is an art of revealing understandings and misconceptions to truly coach students to their next level. Needless to say, teaching students how to engage in this process with each other is just as vital. When we recognize the relational quality of learning, it goes without saying that conversations matter and students need to learn how to communicate ideas and opinions thoughtfully.
So it goes to reason, self-awareness and social-awareness are the driving forces that make education worth pursuing. When we come into an understanding of our own beliefs and behaviors and take action on them for the betterment of our world, that is truly a life worth living. Creating self-mastery involves appreciating the recesses of our minds and the caverns of our heart, and recognizing the consequence it may have on others is another layer of complexity that is worth learning. Now the “why” can be extending into the “how”, creating a meaningful impact on our relationships and communities. To foster this is a great honor that is bestowed upon us as educators. We should not take this lightly and should endeavor to become proficient in it. Though, of all the areas of our craft, this might be the hardest one to master, since it requires an equal amount of our own personal development as it does professional development. As the saying goes, “You can’t teach what you don’t know.” So we are standing elbow to elbow, right along with our students, as we become masters of our own emotion and influence.
To that end, we now must consider what it means to be a teacher, a true leader of learning, a role model of curiosity and open-mindedness. As our roles change, we gain insight and clarity into the value and purpose of education. We no longer need to stand with clenched fists but instead open palms in order to evolve our notions of learning and expand our reach of the classroom. In giving power to the voice of children, may we find our own in the process.
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.
Home? Recently I attended a mindfulness retreat at Plum Village whose message was Harmony in the Home, Joy in the World. Home as they defined it, was being in the present moment, aware of our bodies, own emotions, and habit energies.
As an international educator, I have called many places my home. I’ve been lucky to meet and befriend people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. But I’ve never considered time as the space and place that I actually inhabit.
By the 2nd semester of my 1st year, I knew that Laos was a temporary post, a stopover until I find my next professional home. Sometimes that happens as an international educator–you arrive at a place and realize that your values and interests don’t match the environment in which you find yourself. It doesn’t mean that it isn’t a “good” place, it’s just not the “right” place for you. Not every school can be your professional home and not every city can meet your personal needs. And sometimes you don’t know that until you transition into the new environment. You have to ask yourself–is this place going to bring out the best in me or the worst in me? How can I make this experience optimal for my personal and professional learning?
And here it is April already. I’m in the final 7 weeks of our school year. And, as I turn my attention and focus on moving on, it’s easy to lose focus as I pivot into my next role. I have to make a conscious decision to not coast out of the school year and remain present for the community in which I serve. I’ve been examining this “process of transitions” guide, recognizing that I am in the “leaving” mode.
I can really relate to it. Having a strong desire to “finish strong” takes effort and intention when I am in the midst of transition. Here are some strategies I am employing to help me put a “bow” on this experience:
Express joy
Oftentimes, people focus on the faults of a place in order to justify why they are leaving. That’s a really ugly and angry mental space to be in. And the truth is, there’s a lot to love when you stop and think about. Furthermore, there’s a lot to laugh at and enjoy. So I am asking myself…
What can I cherish? What quirks and unique things might I miss and should value while I still can experience them? Was there any “must-dos” that I haven’t done which would be a fun way to round off living here?
So now, in the space of time left, my family and I have made a list of the things we’d like to that would help us cope with the anxiety that comes along with moving by finding all the things that are lovable about this place so that we may feel positive about our time spent living here.
Express gratitude
When I consider what brings me the deepest sense of regret, it has always been telling people how absolutely wonderful they are. Even those individuals who I’ve struggled with have been a boon to my personal and professional growth. Heck, I’d say that they were like a nagging piece of dirt from which I had an opportunity to develop a pearl of wisdom from this experience.
Truly, I feel grateful for the growth that was created through the relationships I had during my experience here. Whether I present a person with in-person thank you or through a card or email, it’s important to reflect and show appreciation for the contribution that they made in my life. I’ve created a roster of all those individuals who I need to express my appreciation for and looking for opportunities to share them in the weeks ahead–making it a fun part of my “to do” list.
Express forgiveness
Recently one of our counselors sent us an email entitled: “Leaving well”–what a beautiful notion! In it she informed us:
Times of transition can be challenging for everyone – those leaving, those staying and those arriving. David Pollock and Ruth Van Reken in their book, Third Culture Kids, (available in the VIS Library) talk about the importance of leaving well. To do this they suggest building a RAFT to get from ‘here’ to ‘there’:
R: Right any wrongs – make peace or resolve any conflicts
A: Affirmations – let people know how important they have been
F: Farewells – saying goodbye or see you later to people and favourite places
T: Thinking and learning about the next place
I found the R in RAFT to be an interesting component to “leaving well”–not because making amends is unusual but that it is listed FIRST. Addressing those areas of tenderness from our past interactions is an act of courage. It requires admitting our own errors in judgment and behavior. However, I can see why it’s a vital component since we don’t want to bring any residue of anger or regret into our next experience. Although these conversations could be awkward, I think they can be really powerful and can have a profound healing effect if we approach it in the spirit of humility and candor.
So who have I “wronged”? And who has “wronged” me? This is something that I also need to look deeply at and address in the weeks to come in a sober and sincere way.
Start Now
So I’ve already made appointments with individuals and put “things to do” on my calendar.
Of course, we don’t need to wait until we are in the process of leaving to cultivate joyful experiences in the community that we live in, as well as communicating our appreciation and amnesty. Anyone can do this any time. Even if you aren’t stepping into your “next”, you can find peace where you are, breathing in and enjoying your “home” with the people around you and places you find yourself in.
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.
I live in a world of curiosity, surrounded by buoyant imaginations and inquisitive minds. I forget what it’s like in the “real world”. But this past week my sister had her birthday and what I thought was a simple project of curating loving videos was an absolutely enlightening experience of how others perceive technology and use it. A continuum of fear, with arrogant ignorance at one level: “Don’t know, don’t care to know”-ness and vain helplessness at the other with “I don’t want to look stupid so I won’t try”-ness. I made how-to videos for making a video using Facebook Messenger (the very app we were communicating in!), and yet the willingness to do it wasn’t there. It was fascinating to bear witness to this. No one was willing to simply click on a button and give it a go.
Now you could say that this is a generational issue–“It’s those Baby Boomers!” Maybe…but I think it’s a mindset issue. It’s a lack of interest and desire to move beyond our comfort level. It’s a fear of failure. And all of us “Digital Immigrants” suffer from it.
I feel strongly that all of us, young or old, must embrace David Higginson’s motto:Click. Learn. Create. We have to be open to exploring different technologies and apps. Not because we have to be experts in everything, but we have to be more playful and less rigid in our beliefs about ourselves and what we can do. We need to get comfortable with making mistakes.
Personally, I like to challenge myself with technology, creating a podcast was just “for fun”. This website was created just “for fun”. I wanted to learn more about these things and researched and played around. For the past few months, I’ve been teaching myself about how to create online courses and all those things that are entailed in it. It’s been a journey of exploring all the learning management systems and the ways content can be created for it. I’m loving the challenge. But moving from a curiosity into creation seems like the longest journey ever. And it isn’t because of what’s possible with tech. It’s because of my mindset.
In my head, I hear of a litany of “What If” worst-case scenarios: What if it’s crap? What if I pick the wrong platform? What if I could design this better? ….etc….it’s all the same self-berating message that boils down to “I’m not good enough.” I think, this culturally programmed message of perfection paralyzes me at times, and I have to will myself to overcome my anxiety. But as awful as I feel sometimes, it is absolutely joyful when I encounter someone who has another piece of the puzzle and this gives me the courage to continue. I may move slowly, but I still move forward.
But this IS learning. Learning isn’t just about acquiring knowledge and skills. It’s about becoming a better version of ourselves. Me 2.0 It’s about surprising ourselves with what we can do. It’s about connecting and collaborating with others with purpose and passion. And most importantly, it’s about growing ourselves emotionally so we can be mature, sensitive and happy human beings. One of my friends, Graham Baines, would call this #SeriousFun.
Even the smallest efforts can lead to transformational gains in our personal and professional development. I wish for all of us to Click. Learn. Create. so that we may Discover. Inspire. Empower.
Developing learners as leaders is my joy! I am committed and passionate International Baccaluearate (IB) educator who loves cracking jokes, jumping on trampolines and reading books. When I’m not playing Minecraft with my daughter, I work on empowering others in order to create a future that works for everyone.