#ChangeInEducation: Setting a Match to the Report Card? A Couple of Questions on #Assessment in the #PYP

#ChangeInEducation: Setting a Match to the Report Card? A Couple of Questions on #Assessment in the #PYP

I hate report cards. Hate is a strong word, but I think they are an outdated form of educational technology and we need to set a match to it. 31479586_199389720679114_1677575111550435328_nI can’t believe they haven’t gone by the waste side yet, like horse-drawn carriages or 8-tracks. It doesn’t serve where we are in education and what we know about learning and teaching. And, as a parent, the letter A (approaching), M( meets) and E (exceeds) next to a subject area with a couple of sentences that explains the justification of those letters really doesn’t help me figure out how I can support my child. And, as a writer of those comments, knowing that parents are intended audience for these report cards, you end up summarizing the skills gained vs. the conceptual understandings–because at the end of the day, parents just want to know if their kids can read and do math up to the “standard” of their peers. So really, the report cards provide late feedback that schools may feel “report” the learning but ultimately doesn’t serve any of the stakeholders involved, students included.

Let me elaborate a bit more. I am risking embarrassment here for the sake of all of us to reflect and consider how messy and difficult it is to create “reports”.

Here is an example from our school of how we are to create continuums of learning of our conceptual understandings.

vis template continuum

This is a template, an exemplar, if you wish, so how does THIS match our report cards? Well, I have to comment on the subject areas and the learning outcomes of the unit and this model really haven’t helped me decide how to grade them in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, let alone Transdisciplinary Maths, Social Studies or Science. So in our current How We Express Ourselves, we changed the headings a bit and tried to offer more specifics into assessing their conceptual understandings.  I still feel like this is an epic fail.

express oursleves

So now that I shared with you the pseudo-continuum for students,  would you like to see what a typical report card is on this unit?

Here are the outcomes that I have to grade:

Parents don’t actually see the learning outcomes that we are grading against. They just see those letters next to the strands.

Now here is a comment, written for the parent’s interest, as it related to the Strands that they will see. (Math comments were made in the Math Stand Alone section of the report)


Student X is a wonderful communicator so this has been great unit for him to expand and improve his skills. In particular, he has learned how he can interact and provide constructive feedback on other’s work, as well as reflecting on the comments other’s have made on his.

Learning Target

Although Student X has grown a lot with recognizing and writing words, he has a challenge with staying focused on longer texts. This impacts his ability to read fluently at higher levels.  As a writer, he is developing his ability to expand upon and give details in his writing so that a reader can “see” the setting and conflict within a story.

Now I warned you that this is an epic fail!–Can you see my point??? What would you do if you were in my situation, short of writing pages of commentary?

My school encourages us to come up with conceptual continuums but then want us to write concise and helpful comments that provide suggestions for next steps that parents could use for supporting learning at home. Total mismatch. And this isn’t a bad reflection on my school–this discrepancy is in nearly EVERY school! I believe this isn’t a one-off derelict example–this is a normal challenge that I reckon PYP schools have. We use a concept-based curriculum and yet we have these report cards focused on skills and knowledge. What are we to do?

I’d really like to challenge our schools to think a bit more deeply about how this communication tool, the report card, could look as we think about how our PYP schools share this philosophy around life-long learning.

What would it mean if we were to think about this through the lens of constructing meaning over time?

Do we need to have “reporting” due dates? What if our communication with parents was more detailed and frequent? Would this thing called the “report card” even be relevant?

And another question that pops into my head, as I think more about this is:

How might we co-construct meaning when we include The Learning Community?

So instead of report cards talking about the student, what if they included student voice, choice, and ownership? And what if families could chime in with evidence of learning? Again, would report cards even be relevant?

I just keep thinking about how assessment is going to look with our transition in thinking of data to inform learning and teaching with a collection of evidence vs summative tasks that help us mark those boxes in our report cards. Jan Mills refers to this as creating a “tapestry” of the children’s learning.

I have strong feelings about this–if you couldn’t tell. And I’d like to set a challenge for myself to really push my thinking about what could and SHOULD replace the report card. Yes, digital portfolios like SeeSaw help to bridge our next steps, but this institutional tool needs to evolve. Badly! I really want to do some deep thinking around this. Anyone else with me on this quest?


2 Replies to “#ChangeInEducation: Setting a Match to the Report Card? A Couple of Questions on #Assessment in the #PYP”

  1. YES! I am sitting down to write general comments now and wondering what on earth they are FOR? Like you I loathe the mid year and end of year report. I appreciate you sharing your thinking, it has given me lots to reflect on. I also feel less alone in this ridiculous process and my feelings towards it. Anyway, back to the grind… for now.

    1. Hi Kylie,
      Thanks for your thoughts! I just finished myself. We also had an Open House and it provided more connection and communication with parents than that report card ever will. I think all of us as educators have to begin to question the purpose of reports so that we can create new approaches, more personalized ones, with a feedforward approach.

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